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Cliffe family pitsmoor

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My mother was a Cliffe and the names you have given are the names of three of my uncles.As children they lived on Grove St Pitsmoor, until there parents died within a few years of each other in the early 30's, when the family was split up.


Does this have any similarity to your family?


Hi Siren I know this post is a little old now but this sounds like my grandads family his name was Lawrence and also had brothers Joe and Dennis. He was married to my nan Sylvia ring any bells? Would love to get hold of a family tree?


Been meaning to look this up for a while.

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My cousin was called Sylvia. She died when she was young. Her mum was called Winnie Cliff and her father was Bill Woodhead. They lived on Grove St.


Not the same Sylvia however Winnie was my grandad Lawrences older sister. My grandad was married to Sylvia Cordial however unfortunately hes no longer living shes still going strong though.

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It is the same family. I have met Sylvia but I cant remember where. If you let me have your email address I'll give you access to the Cliff family tree Ive done.

I'm sure you will be able to learn something from it and probably add to it.



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Thank you so much been meaning to do this for a while


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 10:25 ----------


Sorry it wont let me pm my email until Ive had 5 posts so trying to do that now


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 10:26 ----------


Ill PM you now


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 10:26 ----------


Thank you again for this

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Hi Spider

I dont know of anybody at that end of town, but that doesn't mean there's no connection.

I'll bear it in mind when I'm doing my research.


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 15:57 ----------



Not that I know of at that end of town. I'll keep it in mind when I'm doing my research

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