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Work from home .. is it really viable?

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I'm a 24/7 unpaid carer, nursing my mum round the clock since she was hit by a bus outside home almost five years ago. Our regular carer has gone off to pastures new, which is a shame since she made real progress with mum and helped her overcome her fears of going out and getting on buses. Now we're back to square one. The familiar face isn't around, and new faces create new fears which makes my "job" more difficult, picking up the pieces after the carer's have left.....


24/7 on hand, means I have to adapt my day and sleep pattern with mum's. we could be asleep all afternoon and very much awake all night.


Apart from the monotony... there's obvious financial struggle and i'm running out of ornaments and personal possessions to sell, in order to keep the roof over our head by paying interest only payments on the mortgage. I find most days I'm going without proper food, to eek out the provisons we have, to make sure mum gets fed.... it cant go on.


Sure I get "carers allowance" .. but an equal amount is deducted from my I.S... so basically I'm on call 24 hours a day... for no more than the next guy on the dole sat playing his playstation or browsing facebook all day.. I want to work, I'm going insane sat looking at the same four walls that make me a prisoner in my own home... just for caring !


Basically, as well as losing my gf recently, (and who can blame her) Im at my wits end, at a loss on what to do next... So i was toying with the idea of working form home... Now I know there are many scams out there... but does anyone know of anything which might be worthy of contemplating as a home-based occupation?


Anything you've tried and succeeded with, or ones to avoid?


I need HELP... for my mums sake. ... Family members are too busy "following careers" or just too lazy... it seems below their standards to help a frail and infirm elderly person that STILL is their MUM.



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I'm sorry to hear about the tough time you've been having currently. I'm not really up on home working jobs as such. But there are market research web sites that you can join that will email you when they have a survey you can partake in, paying anything from 25p to £wish depending on how long the particular survey is. For e.g.


Honest Reward Panel

Valued Opinions




My Survey


You won't make millions but on a fairly regular basis I will get £10-£20 Amazon vouchers or a £15 PayPal credit, so it worthwhile for a little bit extra. Also if I come across something in a charity shop or at a car boot sale that I'm sure will go for a bit more I'll but it and list it on Ebay.


Sorry I can't be more help.

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Thanks Charlie.. selling on eBay would be ideal, its getting the stock lol... Ive had plenty of experience over the last five years as just about anything and everythings gone on there to pay for the utility bills. Bulk buy would be the key, but funds are not forthcoming to get started.


Thanks, you HAVE helped .. just by reading and taking time to reply, you've broke up the day


God bless,



Joe. :)

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I have little choice... Im already in "the cell" Im trying to find ways to make the best of a tricky situ. If mum isnt well enough to go out in her wheelchair, then my outdoor exploits are limited to the back-yard .. as for skills ?? i dont even have the piece of mind to read a book and remember it or the time to watch all the way through a film on tv ...so there has to be soomething i can pick up , do a bit and put down.. I haven't a CLUE .. five years is a long time.

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Sure I get "carers allowance" .. but an equal amount is deducted from my I.S...


Do you get the Carer's Premium added to your IS? I know someone who gets her CA taken off her IS but her IS is then increased by the Carer's Premium so she's better off although not by as much as her CA as the premium is less than CA.

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independently of what job you are doing, working from home requires you to be structured, organized. I had a room in my house where I would "work" in, although I did have flexible working hours. I found it a bit boring (as I lived alone) and ended up taking my work outside with a laptop.


If you can separate your work-personal periods, and enjoy your personal hours, I think you can do it easily. you just can't drag the work into the personal space, otherwise you never feel you are off work.

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I have little choice... Im already in "the cell" Im trying to find ways to make the best of a tricky situ. If mum isnt well enough to go out in her wheelchair, then my outdoor exploits are limited to the back-yard .. as for skills ?? i dont even have the piece of mind to read a book and remember it or the time to watch all the way through a film on tv ...so there has to be soomething i can pick up , do a bit and put down.. I haven't a CLUE .. five years is a long time.


Are you getting any respite care sorted out ? I'd start there first.

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Do you get the Carer's Premium added to your IS? I know someone who gets her CA taken off her IS but her IS is then increased by the Carer's Premium so she's better off although not by as much as her CA as the premium is less than CA.


This would be my first priority in your position. If you don't have this set up then you need to jump up and down in front of the appropriate person until they get that set up.


As for working from home, friends of mine both work from home and they have plenty enough income to run a car, have 2 foreign holidays a year and to spend various weekends away through the year. They both work with computers and do occasionally go to meet their employer, but their daily routine is at home with phone or email contact if they need it.

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