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Fancy a Gig? Tune Inn @ The Royal Standard!


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The Tune Inn @ The Royal Standard is always looking for bands to play Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights.If you fancy a gig we have a full PA and Backline, you just need yourselves, instruments, amps and breakables. We offer a good beer rider if you play, or if you prefer you can put on your own gig for free and charge on the door, you keep all the door takings! Obviously unless you can play two one hour sets there will need to be other bands whom you may or may not want to split the takings with (unless we supply the other bands in which case money will have to be split) and we will still supply beer rider. If your interested get in touch on here by PMing me, drop us a message on our facebook at http://www.facebook.com/thersbar or email us at thersbar@yahoo.co.uk, or just pop in and have a chat about avaliable dates.


We also run open mic every Thursday if your a new band/act and want a practice first instead of diving headlong into the music world! Free beer for playing too!

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  • 4 months later...

What about a private party/gig Sat 10th November? We're looking to play somewhere for a bday do. We want to bring along a DJ playing old funk stuff.. James Brown, The Meters etc and then have a bit of a jam night really where a bunch of people can get up and play a few tracks. We've got the gear minus the PA and that's where you'd be a big help. I only live up the road from you off Shrewsbury Rd.


Oh and we'd wanna put on a few sarnies.. :)


Let us know whether this'd be cool there.

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  • 1 month later...
never really understood how playing for beer is an incentive, unless you're a young lad/lass who happens to live around the corner... you can't put beer in your fuel tank


It's fine for some bands not for others. We wouldn't play for beer as two of the band don't drink and two would be driving all the gear, so the keys player would be battered. That said, if a young band fancy it, fair play to them.


I'm not worried by it as no one forces us to accept gigs so we just wouldn't do that but all good if bands want to.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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The Royal standard is a great place to play, we loved it there and look forward to going back.

A lot of bands play for free until they bring enough fans to a gig to warrant being paid. No one will pay you 250 quid to play if you bring your 10 mates with you each time, if you can get enough of a following to fill a venue and make some profit for the place they will be happy to pay you to play, it's easier for covers bands than originals I think.

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The Royal standard is a great place to play, we loved it there and look forward to going back.

A lot of bands play for free until they bring enough fans to a gig to warrant being paid. No one will pay you 250 quid to play if you bring your 10 mates with you each time, if you can get enough of a following to fill a venue and make some profit for the place they will be happy to pay you to play, it's easier for covers bands than originals I think.


Not disputing that at all - not been for a while, but it's a decent place as I remember.


We don't take any mates and charge that sort of figure when we play pubs, although we're primarily a wedding band.


Your last point hits the nail on the head - covers bands (pro ones) expect to be paid, originals bands tend not to. I think that's mainly because your average Joe in the pub won't know an originals band's songs, whereas a cover band playing the classics will generally get everyone singing and dancing (and drinking).

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