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Sick of nuisance phone calls

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I am at the end of my tether now.....at least 3 times a day does the phone ring and at the other end is a recorded message ....usually begins with 'Hello' at this point I just slam the phone down


it just rang and I picked it up ... very authoritive voice.....THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESS........ at that point slammed the phone down


can these be stopped does anyone know


I am ex directory so I am fuming how they have got my number, and if other companies or selling it on then this is a disgrace and needs to stopped


rant over......but I am still sick of it :rant:

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Have the same problem and it is so annoying. I have caller ID so can see the numbers calling and now have a list of some of the numbers so I pick up and put straight down. Fed up of them leaving messages about PPI etc.


Don't really want to fork out money to stop the numbers, don't really think I should have to. I'm also ex-directory so would like to now where they get my number from.

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I get exactly the same thing and it is annoying.


I've just registered with tps, thanks for the suggestion truman.


What I also get is numerous banks, debt companies, loan companies and more phoning for one particular person. No matter how many times I tell them that the person is not available on this number and to remove the number from their records, they still call.

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didn't know it was free, when I looked into how to stop recieving these calls the site wanted £30 fee (don't know what site it was though)


Looked on TPS webpage and unfortunately it does no stop the recorded message phone calls, it is only for live callers.

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I am at the end of my tether now.....at least 3 times a day does the phone ring and at the other end is a recorded message ....usually begins with 'Hello' at this point I just slam the phone down


it just rang and I picked it up ... very authoritive voice.....THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESS........ at that point slammed the phone down


can these be stopped does anyone know


I am ex directory so I am fuming how they have got my number, and if other companies or selling it on then this is a disgrace and needs to stopped


rant over......but I am still sick of it :rant:


Pay your bills then you wont get these calls.

Its usualy a debt collector or something of that ilk.

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I get exactly the same thing and it is annoying.


I've just registered with tps, thanks for the suggestion truman.


What I also get is numerous banks, debt companies, loan companies and more phoning for one particular person. No matter how many times I tell them that the person is not available on this number and to remove the number from their records, they still call.


Do what i do.

Just answer the phone.

Then say "yes, ill just go get them" and then leave the phone on the worktop or something and go have a cuppa.

One of the little terriers managed to hold on for 25 minutes before he realised i wasnt coming back:hihi:

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