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Sick of nuisance phone calls

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We have TPS and it works very well until a company ignores it.Then the TPS service has no teeth to tackle such companies. On the two occasions I have reported companies, the first was BT, TPS did their investigation but BT denied all knowledge. TPS took their word and gave up. The second company had false details at companies house, and so TPS gave up trying to find them.


Have you thought about getting one of these: http://www.truecall.co.uk ?

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Ibought a trucall 2 years ago, haven't had one cold caller getting through to us,

well worth the money. :thumbsup:


Same here. I often say that if there is one person whose hand I would like to shake, it is the fella that invented Truecall or as I call it, the Rottweiler.......wouldn't like to be without it now.


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I have this too. They ring and the recoded message tells you to ring this or that premium number if you want to 'opt out' of these calls. I didn't even opt in!"!


How do they know I have anything with PPI on it anyway? Are the banks leaking this information?


Of course they are not leaking it, when do banks do anything for nothing, they will be selling them. Don't forget a lot of insurance companies belong to the banks they are the same organisation.

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Of course they are not leaking it, when do banks do anything for nothing, they will be selling them. Don't forget a lot of insurance companies belong to the banks they are the same organisation.


Are you sure it's not the PPi chasers who are just phising..? Why would the banks sell info to persuade/enable someone to claim back thousands? I'vve had calls and texts saying I could claim thousands when I have never had any PPI...

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I've unplugged my phone and just plug it in when I want to use it. Anyone who wants me can phone my mobile, but I get these calls to my mobile as well!!


I, unfortunately, have someone elses old number who had debts.. they call all the time, its quite annoying...


At one point when I got calls to my mobile about claiming for an accident I'd, apparently, had I went along with it and came up with a selection of stories about the accident.


Like, "I was driving along Penistone Road behind a Circus lorry. The doors of the lorry must have been faulty because a Zebra fell out causing me to swerve into a Policeman on his bike....etc etc...It was quite funny listening to the long pause after my lengthy monologue...They usually just hung up on me!! :)

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I am at the end of my tether now.....at least 3 times a day does the phone ring and at the other end is a recorded message ....usually begins with 'Hello' at this point I just slam the phone down


it just rang and I picked it up ... very authoritive voice.....THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESS........ at that point slammed the phone down


can these be stopped does anyone know


I am ex directory so I am fuming how they have got my number, and if other companies or selling it on then this is a disgrace and needs to stopped


rant over......but I am still sick of it :rant:


Play them the go compare advert :hihi::hihi:

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I just keep the ringer turned to silent on my landline. I've mainly got it for the internet connection really and I opted out of 1571 so no one can leave a message either. So they can ring, ring, ring as much as they want cos no will ever answer :hihi: All personal callers use my mobile so it's no problem.


Landlines are fast getting outdated and getting bombarded with stupid marketing calls doesn't help. Mobile broadband is the answer I think.

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Well, the woman who called yesterday's colleague called today, on my house phone. Its a number I recognise that has rung daily on the landline and been ignored for a while.


They are from 'pensions review' apparently, and I told him I'm not interested. Once again, very surprised and asked me what I'm not interested in. He insisted this was the first call I've ever had from them :hihi:

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