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Shops selling magnetic bracelets (copper) for arthritics?

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If you have pain from arthritis - vitamin D may help - see link. The evidence on vitamin D is massive. Scientists used to think it was only about bones but they have discovered Vitamin D receptors in almost every cell in the human body so it has many functions. Vitamin D deficiency is being linked to many diseases.

Even if you have a healthy diet unless you take supplements you are likely to be deficient especially this summer with our lack of sun. 90% of our vitamin D is made in our skin by the sun. But sun tan lotion prevents its production - so you need a little bit of sun without lotion or else supplements There is very little in food. Best source is oily fish but not everyone wants to eat that everyday.


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Who cares! If it's a placebo that does the job then it's done the job. Surely!


I agree, it doesn't matter what helps to get relief, if it helps. All depends on how much you are suffering, and how badly you wish to get better. After all, who cares what others think.

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There is absolutely no scientific basis that these can work and I have not read any reports that they do, so the bottom line is they don't!


Once again.. its a placebo effect which has nothing to do with the fact that the actual product has no proven therapeutic value. The effect is from a mental state that believes its working. Some may say that strapping a carrot to the wrist works just as well but the truth is its all cobblers.


I have on occasions been struggling enough to try things even when I know that if they work it's probably the placebo effect, and in that instance is there any reason NOT to try them?


For instance, one of the most distressing aspects of having phantom pain (in a limb which is still attached but has serious nerve damage) is not the pain, it's the itch. I have itches in the dead parts and I know where the itch is so I scratch it, but because of the nerve damage I can't feel the scratch, so the itch just persists and persists until I gradually feel like I'm going gently round the bend.


One of the palliative care team gave me some antihistamine tablets to help with the itching. In my scientific brain I don't see how they could actually do anything to deal with an itch, but I REALLY don't want to damage the assumption that they will work because when I take one I perceive less itching therefore in whatever capacity they work, they are working. I take a pill, the itch recedes and I don't actually care why.


The power of suggestion is something which has been very poorly explored in humans so even if the magnets do nothing, whilst they are doing no harm and some people feel that they get some benefit from them then who are we to take away what they feel to be their benefit?

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My dog has had arthritis for years. We bought him a magnetic collar Bio Flow and he was able to come off medication. We lost the collar and his arthritis got much worse and had to go back on the tablets again Last year we bought him another and at 14, he is like a spring chicken again. he is still on tablets but the vet has cut them down by half .Now that can't be placebo effect.


Well my old dog is now 17 and still wears his bio flow collar. His arthritis is still under control and despite his age has very little stiffness. We got one for our other elderly dog (aged 16) when she started with arthritis and her symptoms were noticably improved.That was the vet's opinion too.

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The power of suggestion is something which has been very poorly explored in humans so even if the magnets do nothing, whilst they are doing no harm and some people feel that they get some benefit from them then who are we to take away what they feel to be their benefit?


I agree with the above but its not about taking away what they feel to be their benefit. What it is about to me is that its just like the snake oil of the past where people will sell anything in order to make money. If that includes deluding people into paying money for something believing that it will work when it cant then its more like fraud. Don't forget that most of theses scams have unfounded claims, are big business and designed to fool.


If people want to throw away money and make someone rich on the basis of an unfounded claim then fine.

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