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Shops selling magnetic bracelets (copper) for arthritics?

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Aye, I used to wear one, I think they are psycho summat or other, they do you good because you imagine they do, or summat similar. Can't do any harm to give one a try.




It's true, every independent study ever done shows they don't have any physical benefits at all.


Some people get a placebo effect.

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like i say, i'm getting pretty desperate and just want to try one....


ive read this article and see no harm in giving it ago...



Please don't get your medical and scientific advice and information from the

. They have a tendency to promote garbage like this, wonderfully dissected by Ben Goldacre here.


As for the magnetic jewellery: the placebo effect is fab, and its effects increase in direct proportion to how much you shelled out for the placebo effect-granting device in question ;) .

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