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Shops selling magnetic bracelets (copper) for arthritics?

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  • 3 months later...

My husband had a bad back ache the other day, so I wanted to give magnets a try. By seraching for magnets I've found an online store selling magnetic stuff (auris magnetic). For my biggest surprise this shop has a free offer to try their magnetic bracelet. Not copper, but silicone. I've bought 4 magnets for my husband (that seemed to help) and I've got a bracelet for me. It looks great. I believe that you can have the bracelet even if you do not buy anything, you pay postage only.

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The point is, there's no harm in trying. I tried a magnetic bracelet once, and I just found it a nuiscance. I kept 'sticking' to the fridge door, and inadvertantly picking up metal objects. So I ditched the idea, but for some people (whether by imagination or not) it does 'seem' to work. But all I would say, is don't go shelling out a fortune, cos to try it, just isn't worth it!

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The point is, there's no harm in trying.


Oh, but there is.


because if you try it and via the placebo effect it works, you become one o those idiots that believes in hocus pocus and this ends up leading to a distrust and devaluation of science.

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It's true, every independent study ever done shows they don't have any physical benefits at all.


Some people get a placebo effect.


Who cares! If it's a placebo that does the job then it's done the job. Surely!

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Oh, but there is.


because if you try it and via the placebo effect it works, you become one o those idiots that believes in hocus pocus and this ends up leading to a distrust and devaluation of science.


Why would you be an idiot if it works for you? It doesn't mean that you would automatically abandon anything to do with proven science?


As Liam says, if it works it works. Who cares except the person it's helped?

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Why would you be an idiot if it works for you? It doesn't mean that you would automatically abandon anything to do with proven science?


As Liam says, if it works it works. Who cares except the person it's helped?


But they don't work, people are just kidding themselves into believing they do and that's the point so it helps no one except the makers and sellers of this type of rubbish.


Here is something people can do that works just the same without spending money. ;)


Always have a £2 coin in the left pocket as it help to get rid of stress and increases balance. If you put it in the right pocket before crossing the road you will be safer but as soon as you have crossed you need to put it back in the left pocket.


It will increase balance and help stop accidents.

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