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Samantha Brick - Beautiful?

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It's quite entertaining to see that the forum is proving its tendency to have a majority of IJ** types :)


What I found quite amazing was that people actually cared enough about her own opinion of herself to email her to disabuse her of her, in their opinion, inflated ego :hihi:


I mean, what sort of sad git cares about what someone they don't even know thinks (about themselves), to go to those extremes? People can be so weird, sometimes. :help:

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Perhaps she does. I'm pretty sure, though, that she's chosen/has been chosen to write that article because she represents, in the photographs selected to illustrate the article at least, the averagely pretty 'everywoman'. Sprinkle the article with some rather obvious troll bait (including, as the article is in the Mail's delightful FeMail section, where women's every cellulite patch and wrinkle are scrutinised with vicious glee, 'women! You're all old, heavy, short, insecure, jealous cows!') and watch as folk predictably knock her back for her narcissism.


ETA: as the Jezebel article states:


I know, it's depressing. You only have to pick up one of the myriad of celeb magazines to witness this hideous phenomenon and you see it on forums all of the time.:(

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Hmm...a tricky debate. I'm not sure whether to applaud her self confidence in a very sexist career environment and agree with her as this has only helped her career stance and personal recognition....or feel pity for her need to have to go to those lengths to do so.


Admire her! Self-confidence is a great thing to have.

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I agree....but,


Sometimes self confidence can come across to others as arrogance and superiority, which I feel in this case it has.

Why does it matter, though? She's not being arrogant or superior towards you, you don't even know one another. And even if you did, would you feel put down by it?


I feel I should add I haven't read the article just the comment on the article which detailed the backlash and nastiness levelled at her after it was published.

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Why does it matter, though? She's not being arrogant or superior towards you, you don't even know one another. And even if you did, would you feel put down by it?


I feel I should add I haven't read the article just the comment on the article which detailed the backlash and nastiness levelled at her after it was published.


I certainly don't know her, and don't feel put down by her in any way, shape or form. But that's just me......

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I certainly don't know her, and don't feel put down by her in any way, shape or form. But that's just me......
Ah, sorry, I misunderstood.


When you said

Sometimes self confidence can come across to others as arrogance and superiority, which I feel in this case it has.
you were just speaking for others?


Personally, I'd hazard a guess that she was angling to raise the whirlwind of small minded people's ire, and undoubtedly she's succeeded. It's a dangerous game to play these days though, with so many wanting to prove their point at all costs and bring everyone down to their level.


It sounds as though she's found that out to her emotional cost already.

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