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Samantha Brick - Beautiful?

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It's a truly world class piece of trolling by the Daily Mail. In fact you almost have to admire them for publishing this as they must have known this would cause a furore and get lots & lots of people clicking on their website.


If there were a contest for trolling then Samantha Brick would be a contender for world champion!

I had a quick browse through a blog piece earlier in which someone had had a shufty through her previous pieces for the Mail. Rather than the apparently delusional narcissist the current piece is calculated to portray, she emerges as a creation of a journalist who gleefully pokes at fairly predictable issues with contradictory tales designed to inflame the usual suspects; a less sincere Liz Jones-lite.

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And all the men on here who have denigrated this woman would not turn her down, I bet, should she ever glance in any of your directions.:rolleyes:


Well of course not. It's been that long I wouldn't chuck Susan boyle out of bed either. It doesn't make either of them drop dead gorgeous. The thread title asked me and the greater forum if we thought this woman (who I confess I've never heard of) beautiful. I don't think she is. I never read any associated articles and frankly I can't be bothered to. She might donate to an orphanage or heal the sick in her spare time or she might eat babies. I don't care. I just responded to a thread.

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who is samantha brick?? oh I see --she is a journalist. and what bearing does her looks have on her occupation?? after all she is not in line for miss world is she? the phrase " sad sack" comes to mind. and by the way i am not the most handsome guy in the world, but my wife likes me-- and that is good enough for me.

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Ah, sorry, I misunderstood.


When you said you were just speaking for others?


Personally, I'd hazard a guess that she was angling to raise the whirlwind of small minded people's ire, and undoubtedly she's succeeded. It's a dangerous game to play these days though, with so many wanting to prove their point at all costs and bring everyone down to their level.


It sounds as though she's found that out to her emotional cost already.


Hi, I did say "I feel" maybe I should have typed IMO? Sorry for the misunderstanding.:)

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She did state (several times) in her interview that she lives in France, she is 41 and her husband 10 years older, and the women that feel threatened by her are wives of his friends. Therefore (IMO :D) implying that older women are threatened by her "youth and beauty".


She also said that French women are "all that" when they walk into a room, and have the confidence to "see off" predatory women...........so maybe it's her self esteem that needs a boost.


She had the guts to take all the flak on TV, and stand by her opinions, even though she is being shot down in flames for them....


What a wonderful way to self promote - can't fault her for trying!

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Just had a bit of a Google, and this from Jezebel is pretty much my take on it:


With the exception that as Brick is a Daily Mail journalist, I'm sure she's in on the troll too.


I don't buy the theory that this is all some advanced form of trolling. You only need to look at the journalist's past form to see that she really is that shallow -



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I've lived in rural France and was hated by the local women. English women have somewhat of a reputation across the Channel. I lived with another English woman and we treated with suspicion by all the wives of the locals.


I'd never heard of Samantha Brick until yesterday.

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Putting the vain comments Samantha said about herself aside she is right in what she is saying. We women hate beautiful very attractive women. Our claws come out and jealousy takes over. We could be stunningly beautiful ourselves but we are always jealous of other women. If you are brunette you want to be blonde, if you are short you want to be tall.


If you put a bunch of men and women in a room together, I can tell you the women will have already scanned the room for the perceived threat of any attractive woman. Sad but true.

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If you put a bunch of men and women in a room together, I can tell you the women will have already scanned the room for the perceived threat of any attractive woman. Sad but true.


And the men have already scanned the room for the perceived opportunity of any attractive woman. True, but not sad.

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I've lived in rural France and was hated by the local women. English women have somewhat of a reputation across the Channel. I lived with another English woman and we treated with suspicion by all the wives of the locals.


I'd never heard of Samantha Brick until yesterday.


Why on earth were you living in France with two English women-no wonder the locals took against the set-up!Exactly what is this reputation-good taste,elegance,tattoos,botox,wit?

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