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Electric Meter Reading - Help

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This is interesting. I put a thread on here probably a couple of weeks ago about peoples average electricity bill. We had our meter read last June an Septembers was estimated as was Decembers. I read it myself on March the 12th and got got a bill for just under £1000.00 which actually was mis read it was £1100! This is after paying in September and December what we thought was average.


We appear to have used 16000kw since June! We usually average something like £70 in summer and £120 in winter.


I spoke to BG and they basically said we must have a faulty appliance. They sent me a monitor which we set up last Saturday. I also registered with BG so I can look at my a/c online. I saw a graph which compared our usage to 1 year ago. It was the same usage up to December when it suddenly went up 6 fold and then consumption went up 12 fold in January and February. We have not done anything different to any other winter and with this winter being mild we probably should have used less. The monitor thingy is showing up nothing out of the ordinary except on Saturday I unplugged everthing in the house and turned off the heating. The only thing I now which was still wired up was the burglar alarm. With nothing on it shows we are using 220w? What ever it is using 220w is beyond me!


Any ideas anyone where to start looking?

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Well this was lucky reading this thread! It got me thinking about 'Have I read the meter right'?


I rung up BG and they asked to read the dials as I see them.


I read 48k units when it should have been 38k units! No wonder I got a massive bill, I have paid for 10k of units I have not used yet.


Got a rebate coming. :cool:

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