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Have you been Airsofting?

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Hey SF


Has anybody been airsofting or would you like to try it out?


Well I'm part of a Airsoft team called BG,TB and would like to share some information about who we are and where we play Airsoft



About BG,TB

BG,TB (Big Guns, Tiny Balls) is a Sheffield Airsoft Team founded in January 2012 by my boyfriend. We have over 40 members both experienced and new to Airsoft. BG,TB hosts monthly games but a few of our members go Airsofting regular. It doesn't matter if your experienced or not, anybody is welcome to tag along with us


Where we play - The Stan

We play at an old tool company called The Stan (Previously called Stanley Tools). The Stan is part of Op-Tactical UK. It's not far from Infirmary Road tram stop.


The Stan

Stanley Tools Building

Rutland Road,


S3 9PD

United Kingdom



For more information, here are the links to the pages or you can pm me :)


BG,TB Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/204871052942883/

The Stan Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/TheStanCQB

Op-Tac UK Official Website: http://www.op-tac.co.uk/



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Hey, no apologies needed, raising awareness of airsoft is all good in my book!


If you know of any other sites nearby, shout up and I'll add 'em.


See ya on the field soon... :D


Wilco :)


B out :hihi:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Never seen this before, it looks like a lot of fun and a bit scary!


Could you create a free profile on http://www.funmefit.com so we can promote it over social media as something for families (and older children) to do together to stay active?


E-mail me if you need anymore info: kate@funmefit.com


Sure there would be plenty of families who would love to do this!





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