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Should cafes be more careful about what they put in a child's meal?

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With all the stories out there of rising obesity in kids, should cafe's be doing something to help?


I took my daughter out for lunch today and she chose a kids pack meal. A very small ham sandwich, yoghurt, fruit and a small chocolate bar, which actually sounds quite healthy. She always like to have a nosey in her sandwich and when she did she pulled this out;




My first thought was thank god she's not a toddler otherwise that would have been easy to choke on. Keeping in mind that this was in just one small triangle sandwich, surely it wouldn't be much trouble to take the fat off the meat before putting it in a kids meal?


Should cafe's pay more attention to the ingredients in their meals aimed at children? Or is it a parents job to inspect everything before they eat it, whilst out?

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I feel sick


I'd expect if I'd bought something specifically for kids that it'd be SUITABLE for kids without me having to pick through it first


Yes, any goods sold should be 'fit for purpose' :mad:

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I feel sick


I'd expect if I'd bought something specifically for kids that it'd be SUITABLE for kids without me having to pick through it first


Yes, any goods sold should be 'fit for purpose' :mad:


My daughters response was 'yuck, that's awful, I'm not eating that' and I can't say I would either! But how many kids would have just eaten it unknowingly?


There was a child in front of us who bought the same thing of around 3 years old, at that age they aren't going to look, they'll just eat it.

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I would complain VERY loudly to the Cafe management, and threaten to take it further if they won't do anything.


I think being aggressive is more likely to make them defensive. I'd rather contact them calmly and explain my concerns, which I will do, then hopefully they will take those concerns on board :thumbsup:.

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It probably still won't help.


A friend of mine, an adult, is allergic to citrus, whenever they go to a restaurant or cafe they always ask if things have citrus in before trying them.


The conversation invariably goes along the lines of


"Does this have any lemon or other citrus in it as I'm allergic" - "no, no citrus at all"

"You are sure, because it will put me in hospital if I have any" - "Yes, we are certain, no citrus at all, 100% citrus free zone here, haha"

"Ooo sounds nice then, what's in it" - "<long list of ingredients>, lime juice, <more ingredients>"

"Ah, I'll just have the chips then"


So unless you are talking to the person who actually made the sandwich for your little un it's going to be a bit of a lottery, but yes I agree restaurants and cafe's should be more careful.

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I would complain VERY loudly to the Cafe management, and threaten to take it further if they won't do anything.


Who you going take it too? Batman? Shirley the best course action would be to politely ask for another sandwich sans all the fat!



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As an adult, if I ordered a sarnie, and half of it was fat, I wouln't be overly happy with it. Why play the "child card"? Just a poor quality sandwhich, send it back or take your custom elsewhere.


To be fair we don't actually know what the ratio of meat to fat was.



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With all the stories out there of rising obesity in kids, should cafe's be doing something to help?


I took my daughter out for lunch today and she chose a kids pack meal. A very small ham sandwich, yoghurt, fruit and a small chocolate bar, which actually sounds quite healthy. She always like to have a nosey in her sandwich and when she did she pulled this out;




My first thought was thank god she's not a toddler otherwise that would have been easy to choke on. Keeping in mind that this was in just one small triangle sandwich, surely it wouldn't be much trouble to take the fat off the meat before putting it in a kids meal?


Should cafe's pay more attention to the ingredients in their meals aimed at children? Or is it a parents job to inspect everything before they eat it, whilst out?


I think you did the right thing. Rather than having a quiet word with the manager about the quality of his/her goods; I would say nothing, take a picture of some fat in a bag, then rush home to post on the forum. There's nothing like stoking up an avalanche of indignation, especially where our precious children are concerned.


Get over yourself for God's sake!

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