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Should cafes be more careful about what they put in a child's meal?

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That's true, it's human nature to want something for nothing, or to be thrilled you can get a chunk of money for what otherwise would be some bad luck, or a minor annoyance. To quote Judge Judy, "the law is only supposed to make you whole! This isn't a windfall for you!"


I still find it endlessly embarrassing. Between the sue happy types and the horribly bad fast food and TV programs, etc. Like having a family member who you dearly love, but one who picks out the very worst aspects of your personality to imitate.


It's strange to hear a point of view from the other side so to speak and I can quite understand your embarrasement.

We are flooded with Yank TV so it's not surprising that a lot of what identifies you as Americans ends up as an unwanted refugee in Blighty.


You market yourselves very well as a country, unfortunately we seem preoccupied with grabbing for the freebies that no one really wants.


That said I do prefer the word 'oriented' to orientated, that just sounds silly.

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No you should be careful were you put your child to eat. A cafe is no place for your child, nor is Mcdonalds or any other fastfood crap for that matter, look after your children.


There are big differences between MacDs/fast food outlets, and many cafés. We took the grandchildren for lunch to a local café on Saturday, lovely ham sandwiches made with really fresh wholemeal bread with some salad on the side. What could anyone find wrong with that?


I'd have been very unhappy if a café had served up fat and/or gristle in the guise of a child's sandwich.

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