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Curriculum Vitae Help

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Hello, I am currently in the process of revamping my resume and am wondering what is the common formats and styles that are in fashion these days and what exactly are employers looking for nowadays, is it just skills, qualifications or experience because I do have a strong overall set of everything.


Also, how should the title look and what do I need to put in the contact details, and when I am putting numbers, should I say telephone or mobile and should I put page numbers and the name curriculum vitae at bottom.


When putting titles above each sections, should it go like this...


Personal Profile


Work Experience


Education & Qualifications


Hobbies & Interests


And is these titles fine as they are or should they be worded differently, also, are you supposed to put descriptions of what a qualification is or can you just get away with the official qualification title and grade, the same goes with school grades.


Also, should I put an introduction line about each job above the duties, which are in bullet points or should I just go straight into the duties without it.


And finally, when putting a personal profile, is 5-6 lines more than enough and should I list my mobile number as in 077xxxxxxxx or should it be in an international format like +44 and if so how should the number look like for this example number 07712345678?

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A lot depends upon your age and experience.


You should tailor your CV to each application. Highlighting those parts that are relevant to the post/company that you are writing to.


Maximum size .. 2 pages.


Older with many jobs, you may find yourself having to cut things down.

School Leaver with little experience, your hobbies etc. have more relevance.


Leave your address and phone numbers for the covering letter.

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I wouldn't put too much about your hobbies and interests unless they are relavant to the job that you're applying for. For instance, if you're applying for a supermarket job, they aren't going to be interested in the fact that you like swimming or walking your dog for example!!


Stick to things like skills and personal qualities rather than hobbies and interests. Good time keeping, conscientious attitude towards work, ability to work well under pressure, etc.


I think official qualification title and grade will be fine.


Keep it quite short, you don't want them to get bored reading it.


Make sure all spelling and grammar are correct.


Do your mobile number like this; 07712 345678


Good luck :)

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Cool just altered a few things and reworded a few areas, I was going to opt for a full on centralised theme where everything is centralised including the paragraphs and contact details, the duties on the other hand or justified left in bullets and are tabbed in a few times so they are more in line with the centred paragraphs.


Also, can you use the header and footer options to create more room or will this look cluttered and cause issues especially in e-mails. I am using the Ariel font size 10 with my name in bold at size 12, but for heading like contact details and above paragraphs like Work Experience and Education, can you use Small-Caps instead of All-Caps or balding something to create a classy look and can you use tables in a cv with selective sides visible and other sized blank.

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I was told last week to put my most recent job first in the employment section, not start right back at when I did work experience from School 22 years ago when I was 14, they said I should put that last.


Also, I tend to put my education first, after personal details and before employment history.


Also, I've been told that even if it means missing a few details off, I should keep my CV to a maximum of 2 pages.. Which is difficult when you have over 20 years of work history to date to list.

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What if the dates do not follow each other and there is long gaps, should you still put qualifications on first page, would that not look odd if the content on the second page in more recent that the first?


Qualifications .... first.

They don't have to be concurrent. Many people take gaps between different levels of education/training.


Experience ..... afterwards ... starting with most recent.

So it is usual to have work experience more recent than one's education.


If when you look at them overall, there are any significant gaps, you should be prepared to fill them.

If you were not in paid employment, try and find something positive to say. Any unpaid work? Volunteering? Community activities? Family?

Anything (almost) can be better than "unemployed".


Not sure what you are describing?

I would expect to be seeing Work Experience section starting on that first page.

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