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The pub formerly known as Lions Lair


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  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd put another post on here, after my one from January. We went into the Lion's Lair again on Friday night, before going to Fuel and I've got to say the place was so much better than our first visit around Christmas. They've given it a lick of paint and spruced it all up a bit. There was a good crowd in aswell, making it a good atmosphere. Will definitely give it another visit....

Does anyone know if they do food?

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  • 1 year later...

I was just passing by Lion's Lair this evening, when I noticed that it seemed to not be open, and no lights were on.

I immediately spotted a notice in the window saying to the effect: As of the 1st of January, Lion's Lair is now shut. Please use Affinity Bar.

Lion's Lair and Affinity are, of course, run by the same company, and I suppose unless they still have money to burn, the closure of Lion's Lair and concentrating effort on Affinity makes sound business sense...


Still, I miss the Lion, for the following reasons:

Nice, clean and well furnished bar,

The Jukebox,

The sandwiches that they sold at the bar,

The beer garden (great for smokers and in the summertime).


Of course, Affinity has or will have (In the case of food), all of the above, with the exception of the Beer Garden; as a result smokers, at least at this time of year, have no other choice but to brave the cold and sleet outside the front door...


As of speaking, the ONLY 'Gay' venue with an outdoor smoking area within the premises is CLUB XES, which has a very nice beer-garden with a heater (although it can still be cold in winter). You can also buy food from the chip van which parks outside, and take it into the beer garden and eat it (You can't eat it in the club).


I'm looking forward to when Affinity does its own food...


You are all welcome to use this thread for more information about Lion's Lair, possible redevelopment of the site, or possible new tenants of the premises, although I expect my above blog has covered most of what has to be said.


The Lion is dead! Long Live The Lion!!!:(

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