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The pub formerly known as Lions Lair


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i really find it hard to believe someone would buy a business knowing that it will be demolished, unless they are renting it on a short lease ..maybe to see how successful a pre-bar would be in sheffield. ( altho if they just look at how successful Dempseys as been that should give them their answer lol)


I love Dempseys from the bottom of my heart, and think its been agreat place over the years, but its missing something.. sex appeal :hihi:


We really need some trendy gay pubs in sheffield to draw in sexy people from the bigger cities..we need a reason for people to visit. Fuel is a great start, but is it enough?


Could sheffields gay nation lol try and organise some other events locally..to promote the gay scene.


Problem with the Pubs and Clubs, its basically a pulling ground, for the youngsters, where do us mature men go to meet friends and chat over white wine and nibbles?


:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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posted by happysherpa

where do us mature men go to meet friends and chat over white wine and nibbles?


I prefer red ;) , but I do see your point, its a shame Xes is so far out of town and doesnt open until 8pm, as this would be ideal, but somewhere in town, so we dont have far to crawl into Fuel.


I have always said if I win the lottery I am gonna open several gay pubs, :thumbsup: (havent won it yet), if dempseys had a lick of paint and better seats downstairs it would be much better, but that means spending money.


But at least we are moving in the right direction, I am sure the next 6 months will be an interesting one in Sheffield for us :thumbsup:

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yeah - we probably did @ peter41! small world9or pub even!)


happysherpa is right sheffield really needs some more trendy/sexy bars to go to to attract people outside Sheffield. In the same way Leeds and Manchester do..although..


..in my opinion i think that Climax is the jewel in the crown for sheffield gay scene( i always havea good night there)..and whenver i have been they are really well attended!

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Originally posted by peter41

I have found posts about this that are saying it wont get demolished, others saying it will, does anyone know for sure what is going to be demolished around this area ? I would be amazed if Fuel got this pub only for it to be demolished, unless it is a short-term place in preparation for a bigger pub. :suspect:


I know we have some council members on the forum ... maybe they know, to put us out of our misery ;)


From looking at the plans on the councils online planning website the Lions Lair does indeed look like it is smack bang in the demolition zone. I will be very surprised if the building survives, doubt that it is listed.


New Retail Quarter demolition Zone


The aim is for construction of the NRQ to begin next year, with the first retail buildings, including the new John Lewis department store and the car park, to be completed in 2010.

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im happy that Club Xcess is out of town, it attracts the wrong kind of crowd (my opinion only) Iv only ever been once and it scared me so much :shocked: One girl who was obviously under the influences of wacky substances lol was trying to fold an unfoldable chair :roll: unsuccessfully!! She tried to get her friends to help her.. but they was not paying any attention..so she lifted the chair and throw it on top of them. One of the chair legs pocked me in the leg as it fell to the ground :help: So i never returned.


On recently visiting Dempseys, i noticed they have revamped their chairs downstairs. Its looking a little more cosy.. just needs a HUGE glitter ball and SEXY dancers (topless)


Climax is soo amazing, even Fuel cant compete with the event... Its a great venue with lots of space, brillient music and lots of students :hihi: I always have a gooood night :clap:


Fingers crossed if Lions Lair is near its end..they will re-locate.


Anyone been to see Bareback Mountain?

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Originally posted by skyfitsboy

I will be very surprised if the building survives, doubt that it is listed.


New Retail Quarter demolition Zone


According to that, its in the demolition area, but that doesnt mean it will be demolished, such as the front of pinstone st where somerfield is is also within that area, but that wont be demolished if you look at the key correctly.


Doing so, also shows the corner of where burgess st is, a large red sq (which lions lair is in) is classed as listed.

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Originally posted by csi_bha

Doing so, also shows the corner of where burgess st is, a large red sq (which lions lair is in) is classed as listed.


I think that square is just the Salvation Army Citadel. I can't see why the pub would be saved, it's not a very interesting or old building.

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