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Disappointed with 2nd hand electric bike - any advice?


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It may work out cheaper to buy a new bike with battery included.

I bought one of these bikes and the battery lasted 4 years, they are great and save me a fortune. The 'Tourer' is strong like a moped with pedals leaving you feeling more secure, with the extra benefits of front and rear indicators, it's a real workhorse.

Much better than the plastic mopeds currently on sale, where you find you can't buy the batteries once they go. I have owned 4 electric bikes and an electric moped and would recommend 'The Tourer'.

I think your problem is just the battery as they last between 3-4 years. Don't give up, you will get a return on your money by saving on fares and petrol within six months, best transport investment ever.



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Some less reputable sellers (note not that one in the link above) are selling electric bikes that are not legal in the UK unless treated as a moped. They are failing to mention this in their descriptions.


Just check that the bike has less than 200W motor, and the motor only assists pedaling up to 15mph.


Read an article last week about a bloke who bought an electric bike in good faith, was involved in a non fault collision. The bike was found to have a 350W motor and he is no facing conviction for no tax / insurance / registration / motorbike helmet .

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Can I replace a 24V battery with a higher voltage battery? Can I change it for a lithium battery?


No, It will always have to be a 24v battery, but you can get a higher ampere one. What this means in real terms is that you'll get a longer range out of it, but no more speed.


Wouldn't know if you could swap it for a LiOn battery, depends on the motor/charger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been to the battery shop, found the guys very helpful there. They measured the amperage (came up with 1, says 8 on the battery) and said it was too expensive to check where the battery was faulty as it actually consists of 3 or 4 packs of 4 batteries each.


So that's where I am now. I am still trying to work out options to make the bike work for me, because I really like it and would be happy to use it. If anything comes to your mind what I can do, please let me know!

Unfortunately the seller company has gone out of business and a search for the battery model number hasn't brought up anything.


Poppet2, does that mean that you can use a lithium battery instead but it will be much more expensive? I looked at the tourer, to be honest, I don't like the look of it, too bulky and too "motorized" for my taste, thanks for the suggestion though!


Thanks, greengeek for clarifying that it needs to be a 24V battery


Danny128, as much as I regret having spent/wasted the money I wouldn't want to sell the bike knowing it wasn't working, and who would want to buy a non-working electric bike? I can't see a decent way to recover my money.

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I have been to the battery shop, found the guys very helpful there. They measured the amperage (came up with 1, says 8 on the battery) and said it was too expensive to check where the battery was faulty as it actually consists of 3 or 4 packs of 4 batteries each.


So that's where I am now. I am still trying to work out options to make the bike work for me, because I really like it and would be happy to use it. If anything comes to your mind what I can do, please let me know!

Unfortunately the seller company has gone out of business and a search for the battery model number hasn't brought up anything.


Poppet2, does that mean that you can use a lithium battery instead but it will be much more expensive? I looked at the tourer, to be honest, I don't like the look of it, too bulky and too "motorized" for my taste, thanks for the suggestion though!


Thanks, greengeek for clarifying that it needs to be a 24V battery


Danny128, as much as I regret having spent/wasted the money I wouldn't want to sell the bike knowing it wasn't working, and who would want to buy a non-working electric bike? I can't see a decent way to recover my money.


Many of these batteries can be bought on-line,. If you type in the model number you probably won't get them because it would include the case. If the case is ok, you only need to buy the batteries. You could either buy them online or at the battery shop where they will solder them together for you.

Usually it is the battery which is at fault as they only last 3-4 years. There really isn't that much that can go wrong with E bikes. Did you get a price from the battery shop how much it would cost to replace the batteries? They would know what type you require.


Thompson's most popular E-bike is the Euro Classic. One has a lead acid battery and the other has a lithium battery. The same model bike but each have different batteries.



No, you cannot replace a lead acid battery with a lithium battery.


This is a link for a review on loads of E-bikes.


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cheers, Poppet2, that's very helpful.


The battery place said they would have to send the battery away to have it tested and/or replaced, as they didn't do the kind of batteries (they only do the square ones, but my battery consist of 4 round tubes which I guess contain a row of C or D batteries each) and they couldn't be specific with the price (£90-£120 possibly plus postage)

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