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The problems of Christian fundamentalism in the US

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I was describing my own beliefs LOOSELY. I was also expressing my dislike of fundamentalists of ANY religion, and the intolerant attitude they have. A number of posters came forward with the 'explain every statement' attitude which is getting to be prevalent on this forum, its often a trait amongst students and 'debaters' who try to score points off each other. My views are MY religion and if you dont understand them or if you disagree with them ,tough, but dont blame your inability to understand on me.

I dont bother with 'points scorers'......................sad people....

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If you live in a place where 'Christian [or any other kind of] Fundamentalism' is the norm, then it's not a problem is it?


How many Christian Fundamentalists have blown up buses and trains in the UK, buildings in the US, trains in Spain, or anything else elsewhere?


Is Wahibi fundamentalism a problem in Saudi Arabia?


Perhaps a better question would be: "What are you [or the government] prepared to do to ensure religious fundamentalism doesn't become a problem where you live?"


I bet you can't get an answer.

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I was describing my own beliefs LOOSELY. I was also expressing my dislike of fundamentalists of ANY religion, and the intolerant attitude they have. A number of posters came forward with the 'explain every statement' attitude which is getting to be prevalent on this forum, its often a trait amongst students and 'debaters' who try to score points off each other. My views are MY religion and if you dont understand them or if you disagree with them ,tough, but dont blame your inability to understand on me.

I dont bother with 'points scorers'......................sad people....


I am neither a 'student' or a 'debator', neither did I ask you to 'explain every statement', in fact I have said on several occasions that I agree with the majority of what you say, something which you seem to have neglected entirely.


My whole difficulty revolves around you saying


All Christians preach is tolerance and honesty and kindness whenever possible. This is sensible even if you dont believe in God.

Budhism is the same, whether you believe in the religion or not, Islam and its cruel Sharia law has no place in the modern world. if it carries on being 'un-cool' to be a Christian you will soon be under Sharia Law and living in an Islamic state. Dont 'knock' Christianity, we have a lot to learn from it, and a lot to gain. Belief in a God is optional, treating people fairly and being kind, generous, forgiving and honest is not optional. Its necessary to foster a decent society . Think outside of the box, expand your mind..[/Quote]


You have since said you only mean extremeists of every kind and you are not an Islamaphobe. Well I'm sorry but saying

All Christians preach is tolerance and honesty and kindness whenever possible[/Quote] and
Budhism is the same[/Quote] then following it with
Islam and its cruel Sharia law[/Quote] does not sound like someone who is only referring to the extremists of Islam, it very much come across as someone who is an Islamaphobe, especially when you consider (which you also seem to have ignored) when I have already explained to you that apart from those very extremeists in Islam Sharia law shouldn't be forced on people who don't want it.


I'm not asking you to 'explain every statement', I'm asking you to explain your own differentiating of Christianity/Buddhism with Islam,because your excuse that

I was also expressing my dislike of fundamentalists of ANY religion[/Quote] does not make sense when put against your own words.


If you mis worded the original statement that I asked you to expand upon then that is fair enough, but instead of telling me to 'stick my head up my own .... you could have just said 'I'm sorry, I worded that quite badly and that was not my meaning'. Instead all you have done is reply to me with insults and a 'holier than thou' attitude, and put to me that if I

dont like it ?? Tough !![/Quote]


I know you said you were describing your religion 'loosely' but your entire argument against me seems to have been with an entirely 'anti' Christian and Buddhist attitude (which you say you take elements from) I'm wondering just how loose you actually hold those beliefs!

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My eference to Sharia law comes from my experiences of working with a vert decent Iranian guy who came to this country, not as a refugee, but as someone who was fed up of the strict constaints of Islam [when Islam is applied by fundamentallists] i told him not to be too hard on his own religion as we have the same sort of nutter in our own society who would manipulate the wording of the Bible to suit his own ends. i am not an Islamaphobe. Parts of what my friend told me make a lot of sense, specially when he told me a Muslim is asked to perform an act of kindness every day. He then pointed to what was happening in Bradford, Dewsbury, and such and warned of the extremists taking charge of the Mosques. He even said he was unhappy about the teachings given at a Mosque in Sheffield and prefers to go to a more traditional Mosque. He warned against the younger, hot headed Muslims and said they were the ones affected most by radical teachings.

We were only exchanging views in general terms, but my workmate seemed to be very worried by it all. I have no views at all on Islam but I fear fundamentallism in any religion. Budha preached a more relaxed religion, he hated the strict frightening priests and believed religion should foster happy positive thoughts, not fear and be used primarily to control people. I find sectarianism, as is found in Scotland and Ulster terrible and can never fully understand it. Why hate someone because of their faith ?? Disagree somewhat yes, but not hate. Celtic and Rangers fans are prime examples of religious lunacy. What the hell has religion got to do with football ??

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I was describing my own beliefs LOOSELY. I was also expressing my dislike of fundamentalists of ANY religion, and the intolerant attitude they have. A number of posters came forward with the 'explain every statement' attitude which is getting to be prevalent on this forum, its often a trait amongst students and 'debaters' who try to score points off each other. My views are MY religion and if you dont understand them or if you disagree with them ,tough, but dont blame your inability to understand on me.

I dont bother with 'points scorers'......................sad people....


I understand your views just fine thankyou, I just think they are silly.


No, you don't bother with 'point scoring' just petty childish sniping that's pretty much unrelated to the topic. You need to grow up.

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