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The problems of Christian fundamentalism in the US

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What about the UK? The official religion is Anglican and the Queen defender of the faith.


What does that mean in this day and age.?


It all sounds more and more ridiculous since Anglicanism is now only one of several faiths.


Perhaps it's time the designation was changed to "Defender of all the faiths"


Charlie wanted to change it to 'defender of the faiths". Maybe that's why Lizzie is hanging on to the throne at all costs. We have one faith here and it's Anglican Christianity.

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read the sermon on the mount. makes perfect sense.

Which bits make perfect sense? It's 3 chapters long, and some of it is outright nonsense.


Matthew 6:6

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
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Which bits make perfect sense? It's 3 chapters long, and some of it is outright nonsense.


Matthew 6:6

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.


That isn't out and out nonsense.


In the context of when it was taught to a first century Jew that is an exceptional teaching. To a twenty first century Christian it can also be taken as good advice, especially in this day and age where many Christians make such a show of their faith.


To we who do not believe in God it is irrelevant, but even then we could interpret it in such a way that says we shouldn't be arrogant about our own beliefs, making a public show of saying 'This is my opinion, look at me'.


Is it relevant in its first century context to many in the world today? No.


Does that make it out and out nonsense? No.


Does that mean we have to observe it as some kind of law? No, we are free to believe whatever we choose, but it is somewhat narrow minded to dismiss it outright because it doesn't fit in with our world view.

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That isn't out and out nonsense.

Climbing into the closet and shutting the door is sensible? Climbing into a closet to pray will mean that God shall reward openly, that is sensible?


it is somewhat narrow minded to dismiss it outright because it doesn't fit in with our world view.

It's not narrow-minded at all. I'm not even attacking the act of prayer itself, which I could do easily. I'm attacking the climbing into the closet part.

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Climbing into the closet and shutting the door is sensible? Climbing into a closet to pray will mean that God shall reward openly, that is sensible?



It's not narrow-minded at all. I'm not even attacking the act of prayer itself, which I could do easily. I'm attacking the climbing into the closet part.


Why do you think it's 'out and out' nonsense then? (and I mean in the context of itself, not in the context of someone who doesn't believe).


Do you not see that a public show of prayer, doing it for the sole purpose of being seen to do it (which is what contextually it is referring to, which first century Jews would have understood) is detrimental and is part of what most anti religious people complain about in regard to religion. That is, that Christians are arrogant and like to be seen to be doing good when really they are on the take (or worse).


Most religions have a similar warning about public show of faith while not practicing in private.

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Do you not see that a public show of prayer, doing it for the sole purpose of being seen to do it [...] is detrimental

I don't accept prayer as any form of 'good', but I'll accept it for the sake of argument.


If a public show of prayer, for the sole purpose of demonstrating that one is praying, is bad then the answer of climbing into the closet is pointless. It makes all prayer outside the 'closet' pointless. It's a crude answer, in my opinion. That is why it's nonsense.


More irony.


Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do

Archbishop of Canterbury: Children should be taught the Lord's Prayer


I've always found the drive to self-mutilation interesting aswell. I'd say no men would have arms nor eyes by about ... 13.


Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.


29And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee [...]

30And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off,

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