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The problems of Christian fundamentalism in the US

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I'm not joking. I'm not a member of any religion either. i do have a faith 'of sorts'. i reckon its part Christian, part pagan, with a respect for creatures as in Budhism. Historically Christians caused mayhem, as do all fundamentallists but in todays society the majority of them are good and decent people.


In what respect? Which particular 'bit' of Buddhism are you referring to?


I agree with your comments about Christians in today's society 100%.


I do however think to marry such comments with your earlier ones about Islam is unfair. The majority of Muslims in todays society are good and decent people too, and technically speaking (although as with many things, in ALL religion what is 'technically' correct isn't always (and in some cases rarely) adhered to) sharia law can't be implemented unless the people living in the country accept it.


It seems a little strange to be so ignorant about Islam while being so defensive of Christianity.


It is nice however to see someone who says they are pagan having some respect for Christians, thankyou, that's very refreshing.

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Historically Christians caused mayhem, as do all fundamentallists but in todays society the majority of them are good and decent people.


I think the majority of people are good, decent, tolerant people. I also think the majority of "Christians" in this country know little about their bible and the religion they claim to be members of(they're like "golfers" who know next to nothing about golf).


So, maybe, the majority of "Christians" are good, decent and tolerant precisely because they don't practise the religion they claim to follow.

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Which ethics of the free world?

Which Christian teachings preach democracy?


I dont doubt for one minute that Jesus existed. Whether he was the son of god is another matter. I reckon Jesus was the original defender of freedom and rights of the individual. He fought the Romans 'passively'. Ghandi did it in a similar way against British rule.

The Romans had to get rid of him so they manipulated the Jews to do it for them. An honest, free thinking person is a danger in any totalitarian society.

By Christian teachings I meant the teachings of Christ himself, not the mish mash and corrupted versions the fundamentalists argue about today. Its all about interpretation, Jesus preached kindness to ones fellow man.

Both Christian and Islamic fundamentalists are as bad as each other, but Islam has a very cruel, bloodthirsty streak...........stoning women to death in the 21st century ?? :loopy:

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I dont doubt for one minute that Jesus existed. Whether he was the son of god is another matter. I reckon Jesus was the original defender of freedom and rights of the individual. He fought the Romans 'passively'. Ghandi did it in a similar way against British rule.

The Romans had to get rid of him so they manipulated the Jews to do it for them. An honest, free thinking person is a danger in any totalitarian society.

By Christian teachings I meant the teachings of Christ himself, not the mish mash and corrupted versions the fundamentalists argue about today. Its all about interpretation, Jesus preached kindness to ones fellow man.

Both Christian and Islamic fundamentalists are as bad as each other, but Islam has a very cruel, bloodthirsty streak...........stoning women to death in the 21st century ?? :loopy:


That doesn't really do anything to address the point I made in post #72 above though. Especially as stoning women isn't Islamic, as it contradicts the Quran. You can condemn Islam no more than Christianity or Buddhism. Fair enough if you are anti religion all together, but I dont understand how you can be so critical about one and so defensive of the other.

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and how it permeates through the political and legal systems.

This documentary is 2 hours long but is worth watching as it highlights how religion is used as an umbrella or smokescreen as a cover to justify racism, homophobia, misogyny and general all round bigotry and prejudice.


I tried to watch, but so many lunatic fascists... Ban all religion!

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That doesn't really do anything to address the point I made in post #72 above though. Especially as stoning women isn't Islamic, as it contradicts the Quran. You can condemn Islam no more than Christianity or Buddhism. Fair enough if you are anti religion all together, but I dont understand how you can be so critical about one and so defensive of the other.


You got to admit that countries under Islamic rule have some very harsh laws and no respect for human rights.


(Not the map I wanted, but)... Here's a map where people migrate from...



And here's where they go...


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Why has this thread been allowed to run yet if it were a thread criticising muslims it would have been shut down long ago?


Amen to that sister. I got a 3 day ban for telling a forum member that a Muslim wouldn't criticise another Muslim.


Starting to think the S in SF stands for Sharia.

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