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The problems of Christian fundamentalism in the US

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You got to admit that countries under Islamic rule have some very harsh laws and no respect for human rights.


(Not the map I wanted, but)... Here's a map where people migrate from...



And here's where they go...



I'm responding to a point that a poster made comparing Islam with Christianity. The majority of 'everyday' Muslims (even in Muslim states) are good people, as are the majority of Christians. All religions are made of people, most (as with secular society) who are good, some who are nuts. Some Islamic states alas are run by the latter, who read the religion as they wish. The Quran doesn't contain anything about stoning women to death, or implimenting Sharia law. Even those Scholars who advocate Sharia say it shouldn't be forced on non Muslims.


Some Muslims disagree, some Christians are child molestors, some Buddhists are murderers, likewise some secularists. I just don't understand someone defending one religion while casting such aspersions on another, it makes no sense to me.


Btw, I have argued with Muslims more than anyone on this board, but not with the casual dismissiveness that some SF posters do. If a relevant discussion on Islam came up on SF, I would be happy to criticize it, but as all the threads that mention Islam are the same old press ridden Sharia this and terrorism that I have always found myself defending it when the subject comes up.

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and how it permeates through the political and legal systems.

This documentary is 2 hours long but is worth watching as it highlights how religion is used as an umbrella or smokescreen as a cover to justify racism, homophobia, misogyny and general all round bigotry and prejudice.

Are you sure it's not Islamic fundamentalism in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and so on that you're talking about? Oh how this world needs religion, not.
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Nothing wrong with a bit of reliigion. Its sheltered me through a few storms.

Comes and goes, but never gives up on me. :)


No that is you talking to yourself, have faith in yourself!


Some religions call it meditation, others prayer, me, just thinking things through!

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Nothing wrong with a bit of reliigion. Its sheltered me through a few storms.

Comes and goes, but never gives up on me. :)


I like your comment. My own religion is a bit of a mixture of Christianity, pagan and general respect for life. My church is the woodland where I go to relax and recharge my batteries. I love old churches, specially in Spain where they are open most of the time and you can sit quietly with your thoughts. I dont feel a need to take part in general church services, a few of of the congregation bemuse me with their intolerance of other religions/churches.

Its got me through some terrible times when all appeared lost and continues to do so. When I see sunsets, rainbows, colours and nature in general I have no doubt that it is no accident. 60 odd years of life has taught me a lot. Thats why I am often intolerant of the views expressed here on SF. Some people have to define everything down to the last detail and need concrete proof of the existence of a God.

Does it matter if, after all, there is no God ?? As long as our beliefs have kept us on the straight and narrow and given us comfort through our trials and tribulations then i am happy.

I now await the debating society/atheist/agnostic and generally annoying brigades views. I find most of them immature and almost sad, their 'hair splitting' arguments prevent them from viewing a much bigger picture.

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I like your comment. My own religion is a bit of a mixture of Christianity, pagan and general respect for life. My church is the woodland where I go to relax and recharge my batteries. I love old churches, specially in Spain where they are open most of the time and you can sit quietly with your thoughts. I dont feel a need to take part in general church services, a few of of the congregation bemuse me with their intolerance of other religions/churches.

Its got me through some terrible times when all appeared lost and continues to do so. When I see sunsets, rainbows, colours and nature in general I have no doubt that it is no accident. 60 odd years of life has taught me a lot. Thats why I am often intolerant of the views expressed here on SF. Some people have to define everything down to the last detail and need concrete proof of the existence of a God.

Does it matter if, after all, there is no God ?? As long as our beliefs have kept us on the straight and narrow and given us comfort through our trials and tribulations then i am happy.

I now await the debating society/atheist/agnostic and generally annoying brigades views. I find most of them immature and almost sad, their 'hair splitting' arguments prevent them from viewing a much bigger picture.


While I agree with most of your post I don't understand your somewhat schizophrenic attitude.


To say that congregation members are intolerant of other religions (hence why you do not agree with them) and that you don't agree with we on here who use 'hair splitting' arguments.


In the words of Samwise Gamgee, 'I ain't splitting no hairs', I'm not criticizing your religion, just trying to ascertain why you are so 'pro' Christian/Buddhist while being so 'anti' Islam.


It doesn't show the 'respect' for other religions you complain is absent in religion, it doesn't show any understanding of the 'bigger picture' that you say others are closed to and it most certainly doesn't show a respect of Christianity and Buddhism both of which would be quite taken aback by your open intolerance of another faith.


Maybe before you start referring to other posters as immature you should address the above issues within yourself and the fact that twice now I have asked you direct questions and rather than answering them you have just made backhanded general comments while responding to others posts.


As I said at the start, I agree with most of your comments, but alas the small amount I do disagree with far overshadows that which we do agree on, for the simple fact that it undermines everything else you say.

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By Christian teachings I meant the teachings of Christ himself, not the mish mash and corrupted versions the fundamentalists argue about today.

Where do I find these?


I'd also like to note that you've written a lot in order to completely avoid any answers to my other questions.

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I now await the debating society/atheist/agnostic and generally annoying brigades views. I find most of them immature and almost sad, their 'hair splitting' arguments prevent them from viewing a much bigger picture.


Translation: "I am frustrated because I am unable to counter any of their arguments."

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To all who question my views. i use whatever church is open, C of E, Methodist, Catholic, to me they are all churches. Anyone condeming one church and using another to me is a fundamentalist. Faith grows within you, it is part of you, it is you and and you dont need telling how or what to believe. Muslims and Christians share the same God, they just have different prophets. Does it matter if their is no God ?? No, as long as your faith gives you comfort and keeps you on the straight and narrow. Thats where my pagan part fills the gap, its a God I can see, or, if you like, evidence I can see. All fundamentalists who use religion to acheive ulterior motives ar to frighten people or to punish people are in my opinion wrong. For years, Catholic Jesuits terrified people with eternal pergertory. Before that the inquisitions were used to control people by fear. islamic fundamentalists still do with their threats and Jihads. Go into an old style Gothic Church, the architecture and atmosphere focusses the mind. I find it relaxing. i have no time for atheists, fundamentalists, canvassing Mormons or Jehovas Witnesses, even the strange belief of many C of E Bishops that women should not be ordained is wrong and belongs in the stoneage. Loosen up, think outside of the box, accept other peoples beliefs and respect them. Religion changes with the times, nothing should be set in stone.

I am not schizophrenic, I just choose the good parts from a number of religions. If it will foster goodwill between races and nations, stop futile wars etc then it must be worth it. But as I said I dont split hairs, I dont debate endless points, its not worth it, I leave that to the fundamentalists [ or the SF Debating Society ] If you cant see the bigger picture then sit and think until you do, but I can tell you it takes years.

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