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A little question about creationism.

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Thread after thread of the same Let's-bash-Christianity argument.


Another example, amongst many that Islam is totally incompatible with the west (and a thousand years behind).


You don't seem to mind joining in the Let's-bash-Islam arguments, presumably for the same reason others join in the Let's-bash-Christianity ones.

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As do those who believe in something else impose their attitudes and arguments on we believers.


Thread after thread of the same Let's-bash-Christianity argument.


Believe what you wish; I'd appreciate it if you left me to believe what I believe.


no one's stopping you from doing that or particularly bashing christianity in general


the issue under debate is whether or not the politically correct version of what, to some, is a particularly unpleasant and intolerant form of christianity should be presented as science.

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You don't seem to mind joining in the Let's-bash-Islam arguments, presumably for the same reason others join in the Let's-bash-Christianity ones.


Christianity has helped shaped this country, from the calendar, to government, to systems of law and so on.


Islam has not nor should it. It is incompatible with our way of life and I believe that of the entire western world.

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If you are going to go down that road then vegans and vegetarians should not be allowed to wear leather items and anti animal experimentalists should not be allowed the use of modern drugs and cosmetics There will probably be other examples as well


Yes, we should.


It seems to be a simple exercise of practising what one preaches.

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Wouldn’t a creationist believe that God created everyone and in doing so gave everyone a different ability to use for the good or detriment of mankind?

God would have given a doctor the ability to heal people and a nuclear physicist the ability to create power or nuclear bombs.


If God had allocated skills this way, why have we not had nuclear bombs since Adam and Eve?


What would be the point of learning and education?

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Believe what you wish; I'd appreciate it if you left me to believe what I believe.


If you were diagnosed with cancer would you seek a doctor or a priest?


No one is saying you can't believe. We're just discussing if we should ask you to stand by your beliefs. You can't put all creation down to God and expect science to help you out when god's work goes wrong.

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If God had allocated skills this way, why have we not had nuclear bombs since Adam and Eve?


What would be the point of learning and education?


It is claimed that God knows everything and made everything, so only God would know the answer to your question, maybe God just gave differant people differant learning asperations, but ultimatly God must know what each person would end up doing with their life. Assuming God exists. :)

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