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Memories of Gray St or Pye Bank School in the War Years


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Regarding Wilf Durham. The family lived at the top of Fox St, just below a wood workshop of some kind, name of Carters. He went to Pye Bank infants the same as me, but after the bomb blast across from the school, like I say, we were farmed out into front rooms of ordinary houses for a while with the teachers.

What would be our ages at the time, 6 or 7? Anyhow I remember he did have some siblings younger than himself, so it's possible one or both could've been girls and one could've been called Rita.

He also had relatives who lived in cottages opposite the Forum cinema. That's going back a bit. I kind of lost touch with him after the 'front room' period. I used to sit in the seat next to him and copy his answers when we were doing sums. I still think that's why I've always been rubbish at Maths, not because he was bad, but because I was too idle to work my own brain.

I saw him once more, perhaps mid 50's, he'd got quite snobby by then.

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