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Free university computer course

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I'm deliberately posting it in the general section rather than the computer section because there's more chance that people who might benefit from it might see it (and those in the computer section might not need it anyway).


Sebastian Thrun, who's a professor of computer science and artifical intelligence at Stanford University, has set up this free online course. You can read the rationale for it here at his home page - he believes education should be free for everyone.


The basic course requires no previous programming knowledge, and it starts in a week's time for seven weeks. There are also some follow on courses that do require either prior knowledge or successful completion of the basic course.


There are of course several universitites in the US that make their course materials available online, notably MIT, but in this case you can actually sign up for the course, do the homework, get the grades as well.


I just thought this may be of interest to those who are unemployed, underemployed, wishing to improve their education, or whatever. Maybe if several people from the forum did it, they could even help each other out on here as well.

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Must say I thought this might have generated a bit more interest, especially given the comments not long ago from Eric Schmidt of Google about the lack of programming in the school curriculum.



Hmm a shame indeed. I must have missed Mr Shmidts comments, what username does he post under?!;)

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