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Finding your family tree

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I am looking into finding my family tree but don't know where to start.I want to do both my mum and dads side but going to start with my dad's mums family who I knew, I have her birth certificate but that's all I have to go on. I don't want to do it on the internet I would like to actually go and look somewhere, is there any archive places.in Sheffield where I would be able to trace family? Thanks

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There is the Sheffield Archives based on Shoreham street just down from Radio Sheffield. But your starting point should be at home speak to everyone you can in your family (especially the older ones) and it will help narrow the search down. It is likely within a couple of generations your family will be from outside Sheffield so the Sheffield Archives may not be as much help as you think. Good luck!:)

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You need to write down every generation in your family (maternal & paternal) that you know of or a relative can tell you about. You should fairly easily be able to get back to grandparents & probably gt grandparents. Write this down with dates & places of birth, marriage & death as far as you can.

Sheffield Indexers has lots of helpful info on how to work from there at http://www.sheffieldindexers.com/

A word of warning; "going somewhere" is ok BUT it is very time comsuming to go to Archives etc. It would take you maybe days of searching at an archive to find a relatively small amount of info whereas on the internet you can find the same info in seconds or minutes.

Send me a PM if you want more advice.

Good hunting, John

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I hope you have lots of time and plenty of patience.. :D

I've been doing my family tree for what seems like forever and I've only really done a small (ish) part of my moms side..

It's a hobby that you can get into so much that you lose days!! Honestly, I can think to myself 'Ohh I'll have an hour on my tree', and before I know it, the whole day has gone..

They say hobbies are suppose to be nice and chilled and relaxing. Not the family tree.. Some days I feel like banging my head against the dreaded 'brick wall'.. :hihi:

I would recommend using the internet though as there is so much info available. And you never know, you may even find some living relatives right here on SF as I did.. ;) He happens to be doing the family tree too and he posted a few names on here that I saw and recognised from my tree..


Good luck in your quest and if there is anything you get stuck on, there's plenty of people on here that will be glad to help in any way they can..

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I would suggest that you join Genes Reunited at the basic rate,I think about £20. They have a chatline peopled by lots of lovely folk willing to help in any way.


Beware though,as already stated,this hobby is addictive, tends to take over your life,and if you are at all houseproud, forget that,you wont have time to dust.


Good luck and hope you don't find too many black sheep.

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I hope the Family Tree disease doesn't hit you too badly.


If you get into a brickwall situation with any member of your family ancestors you've always got the Sheffield Forum.


In the MidWest USA they have a saying, 'It's only the sqeaky wheel that gets the grease' and so if you want help just cry out, I'm sure you will get the 'grease' from somone on here.


There are some great people on this forum who are quite willing to help you and your details also help other Sheffielders who are connected.


They have helped me so much to climb those brick walls and in turn I have tried my best to help others in return.


All the best in your researches, just remember throwing money at these problems doesn't guarantee results whatever the adverts say.


I for one will help you, if at all possible.


happy days! PopT

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