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Does it though?


Are there any scientific studies that anyone knows of that try to show that ones actions will have similar effect, rather than just being neutrally causal?


Or is it just an old wives tale that our grans and we of the Buddhist (and similar) pursuasion buy into?


Thoughts and to ing and fro ing commence.

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I don't see it that way Richad. Also, such things are subtle, and are perhaps beyond the scope of analytical science.


It feels to me, more like; "as we do, so we become".


In that, our thoughts and deeds, shape our character. Which acts as a tuning fork, and draws to us, circumstances of a similar frequency. Perhaps that's not exactly correct, in terms of the dynamics. Perhaps it's more like, we condition ourselves to see the world, not as it is, but as we are.


Perhaps there is a oneness to it all, where does the 'world' end, and 'we' begin?

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I don't see it that way Richad. Also, such things are subtle, and are perhaps beyond the scope of analytical science.[/Quote]


You may have a point there, but I would still be interested in knowing if any research has been attempted. I might have a look the Daily Lama's way (the favourite newspaper of the Buddhist), he tends to be into things like that.


It feels to me, more like; "as we do, so we become".


In that, our thoughts and deeds, shape our character. Which acts as a tuning fork, and draws to us, circumstances of a similar frequency. Perhaps that's not exactly correct, in terms of the dynamics. Perhaps it's more like, we condition ourselves to see the world, not as it is, but as we are.[/Quote]


Could that not be tested in some way? If it could be shown that this was the case on a physcological level then that may set into motion a more long term test.


Perhaps there is a oneness to it all, where does the 'world' end, and 'we' begin?


I don't know about that, that's more in the Hindu realm of things, it's certainly not a Buddhist teaching. I know the physicist David Bohm was interested in the 'oneness' of things. I think science and religion working on such metaphysical ideas (specifically in regards to the physical nature of the universe) together has long since had its day though.

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ultimately probably not :( but it's a good moral lesson to teach.


I don't know though, it is rather dependent on timescale and therefore rather hard to qualify. I'd like to think so though.


So do alot of people, that's what prompted me to make the post, because so many 'normal' people seem to say it. I wondered if it was just ingrained superstition or whether someone had bothered to try and test it using experiment.

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So do alot of people, that's what prompted me to make the post, because so many 'normal' people seem to say it. I wondered if it was just ingrained superstition or whether someone had bothered to try and test it using experiment.


I think that many people think of this in the negative sense, i.e. if you do wrong then I hope you get your comuppance type of thing. Looking at it from the other point of view I think being a nice person can actively influence others. A good example of this is returning peoples lost mobile phones. I have lost count of the number of times I have done this for people and the majority of people are suprised that I'd bothered or that I hadn't just stole it. If next time they finde a phone and it makes them do the right thing then that is positive karma for all. I also have recieved lost phones numerous times as well.


Sorry just an anecdotal ramble I guess.

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I think that many people think of this in the negative sense, i.e. if you do wrong then I hope you get your comuppance type of thing. Looking at it from the other point of view I think being a nice person can actively influence others. A good example of this is returning peoples lost mobile phones. I have lost count of the number of times I have done this for people and the majority of people are suprised that I'd bothered or that I hadn't just stole it. If next time they finde a phone and it makes them do the right thing then that is positive karma for all. I also have recieved lost phones numerous times as well.


Sorry just an anecdotal ramble I guess.


I lost a Tenner last week in Aldi. Did you find it ?? I found a Twenty, was it yours ? :hihi:

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I don't think there's any cosmic payback out there. It's highly unlikely that there's some kind of science-based law that states if people lie or treat others badly that bad will happen to them.


It's just nature and lifestyle and pure random chance.

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