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Finger foods and meals


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Hello There :)

I was wondering if any of you could help me my daughter is 10months old and going off baby food so im just after some ideas what sort of finger foods can she have for meals ?

and not just baby foods what other meals can i make her up ..there lots online but i would prefer other mother and fathers experence ideas :)


Thank You :)

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My sister has followed baby led weaning and had great success at 8 months old Archie eats virtually the same as his mum and dad. He hasn't really had anything blended, she tops him up with bottles at certain times during the day as sometimes more food ends up on him and the floor than in him. I know my sis is really careful about how much salt and sugar he has though. He loves broccoli, corn on the cob, salmon with a cheesy sauce and pasta, garlic bread is his favourite and he adores fruit.

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finger foods - pitta bread, crumpets, toast, bagels, teacakes, bread sticks, rice cakes, fruit and veg sticks, cheese. Food - mash potato, puree of veg like squash, parsnip, carrots etc. Mash/puree it up, pop into ice cube trays n freeze.

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