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Political Correctness Gone Mad??

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"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever." ~ George Orwell, 1984

Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles: "If only," they love to think, "if only people wouldn't talk about it, it probably wouldn't happen."

enoch powel 1968

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I love it when these stories come out about loony lefties banning stuff, being "sensitive" to some religion or ethnic group or other when even they didn't ask for it. It's funny seeing the lefties on here squirm with embarrasment at their fellow lefties, scurrying around trying to make out it's all false and made up by right wingers when it's one of their own. :hihi:


My favourite has to be when some left wing nut stopped a mother from breast feeding in a public building because it might upset Muslims. Dopes.



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I love it when these stories come out about loony lefties banning stuff, being "sensitive" to some religion or ethnic group or other when even they didn't ask for it. It's funny seeing the lefties on here squirm with embarrasment at their fellow lefties, scurrying around trying to make out it's all false and made up by right wingers when it's one of their own. :hihi:


My favourite has to be when some left wing nut stopped a mother from breast feeding in a public building because it might upset Muslims. Dopes.




I'm surprised a certain person hasn't been along to provide a link to an EDL member doing something similar...:hihi:

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I have a cousin who lives in Sheffield. She's white.

She's married to a black man, they have two black kids.

I'll post this because I asked her how her husband and kids would prefer me to refer to them, black or coloured.

Her husband and the kids all said, black.


They don't have a problem with Baa Baa Black Sheep, the politically correct brigade who think they know better do. And are probably white.

Racist, me, give over.

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I love it when these stories come out about loony lefties banning stuff, being "sensitive" to some religion or ethnic group or other when even they didn't ask for it. It's funny seeing the lefties on here squirm with embarrasment at their fellow lefties, scurrying around trying to make out it's all false and made up by right wingers when it's one of their own. :hihi:


My favourite has to be when some left wing nut stopped a mother from breast feeding in a public building because it might upset Muslims. Dopes.




It's all lies made up by the Daily Mail.


The sensible right wingers on here know the score.

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I have a cousin who lives in Sheffield. She's white.

She's married to a black man, they have two black kids.

I'll post this because I asked her how her husband and kids would prefer me to refer to them, black or coloured.

Her husband and the kids all said, black.


They don't have a problem with Baa Baa Black Sheep, the politically correct brigade who think they know better do. And are probably white.

Racist, me, give over.


Well I think it's pretty well understood that a lot of the taboo subjects are highlighted by the clueless, panicking on behalf of others who really couldn't give a rats.

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Well I think it's pretty well understood that a lot of the taboo subjects are highlighted by the clueless, panicking on behalf of others who really couldn't give a rats.


Nail on head. Wish I could have said what you did :)

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Pupils Sing Baa Baa Little Sheep: Political Correctness Gone Mad? or just a sign of the times.


Unable to post the link for some reason.




I heard this story about 30 odd years at least, but then I think it was green sheep. Not very PC against aliens is it? Nor is little sheep very PC against vertically challenged people. Tell your kid to say that to the teacher.

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Even from the Express story its clear the change of words is nothing to do with being 'politically correct' - the only person with the problem is the idiot councillor looking for some PC conspiracy where there isn't one


Teachers insisted the song had been changed merely as a way of teaching children phonics and not to remove any elements people could misconstrue as racist.

But Ms Craig said the school was leaving itself open to accusations of excessive political correctness.

On the night, she said, many parents were “left in the dark” about the change of words.

She added: “It’s good they want children to think about what different words mean.

But this is one nursery rhyme I do not think should be used as it could be so easily misconstrued as political correctness gone mad.


So her argument is that you shouldn't change the words of a song in case gullible right wing idiots like herself think its been done for reasons of political correctness, when it clearly hasn't?

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