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Political Correctness Gone Mad??

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Unfortunately for left wing nut jobs, many (but by no means all) are correct, and it's usually their left wing ideologue friends at fault, exposed by sensible right thinking people who can see the senseless nonsense for what it is.


We will put that in Guiness Book of Records, as the longest, most meaningless sentence.

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Why should they? To pander to Daily Express reading cretins?


Surely its the ultimate form of political correctness if you dictate which songs can and can't be changed?



With all the nursery rhymes surely they could have found one that they didn't need to change....Its another sneaky daft idea by some left wing pillock just to wind right thinking people up...

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Unfortunately for the right wing nut jobs the majority of these 'exposures' are made up by similar right wing nut jobs. It's just a shame that the poor gullible fools that take the stories as gospel keep regurgitating them.


Its almost like they have a list of these stories on shuffle. They all get taken in, slowly the factual inaccuracies are pointed out and all but the most gullible make an embarrassed exit and scour the web for a 'decent' story about Muslims to get their spirits up again.

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