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Can anyone recommend anyone for a bad back/pulled muscle

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I've suffered from back and neck problems for many years, but through a chiropractor I've learned how to manage them


The chiro I and several people I know have been going to for many years is Brendan Robertson who has set up Back To Your Best at the top of Meadowhead. He charges something like £30-35 for a twenty minute session, with the initial one being an assessment, but if you are in Westfield etc you can claim most of it back


His advice would normally be soon after feeling a pull or trauma then put ice on it for 5-10 minutes each hour and take ibuprofin (I like Nurafen) both of which will reduce inflamation. After the first day then apply gentle heat to get the blood flowing and the healing stuff starting. If after a few days it is not healing then go see the man


If you have not been to a chiropractor before you may be concerned about stories of the physical nature of their treatment, but for me it is exactly what I need and have never had a concern


And no, I do not work for him or receive any gratuity for new clients


Good luck

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Bramley Clinic located upstairs within an health shop on Surrey Street - just before you get to the Central Library.

Really good place - I've been using them for years.

Wife recently went having pulled her back out - came out skipping and jumping !

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