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London riots arsonist jailed for 11 years

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The man who set fire to Reeves furniture store during the riots last year has been sentenced to 11 and a half years.


A reasonable sentence for an act that not only destroyed a family business but caused terror locally and could easily have led to fatalities.


I do love his defense though


"In mitigation, Adam Davis QC, for Thompson, said the defendant had been depressed following his divorce and had not intended to cause the damage."


Hmm, whenever I'm depressed I like to rob and set fire to buildings as well, does anyone else also find that burning and robbing stuff can help with a painful break-up? :roll:

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The man who set fire to Reeves furniture store during the riots last year has been sentenced to 11 and a half years.


A reasonable sentence for an act that not only destroyed a family business but caused terror locally and could easily have led to fatalities.


I do love his defense though


"In mitigation, Adam Davis QC, for Thompson, said the defendant had been depressed following his divorce and had not intended to cause the damage."


Hmm, whenever I'm depressed I like to rob and set fire to buildings as well, does anyone else also find that burning and robbing stuff can help with a painful break-up? :roll:

Not sure about the rioting, but my ex certainly went on the rob when we split up :hihi:
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I would've locked him up and thrown the key in the Thames :rant:


Arson is one of THE worst crimes you can possibly do IMO, especially if it endangers life or public property.

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His previous record is very bad as well, think he's been done for armed robbery or something similar in the past....he'll be out in 5....


Still wouldnt want to be lock up at 34years old for 5 years for a stupid night action, A heck of a lot of people were doing it

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Still wouldnt want to be lock up at 34years old for 5 years for a stupid night action, A heck of a lot of people were doing it


that's the one thing with arson, I doubt many people think when they set something relatively litttle on fire, ie a sofa, that it will result in whoole buildings burning down. IT seams like a stupid mistake but one that could definatrly definstrly destroy lives. He's lucky he wasn't facign manslauger charges as well.

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