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BT Infinity goes 80/20 from tomorrow


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For those who are interested and are currently with BT, from tomorrow the 80/20 service is released.


All new contracts will be placed on the new 80/20 service, while current users can request a free upgrade to the new service on the condition they take out a new contract. if you are still within a contract this will automatically cease and new one will start when you order the new service

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I think if VM networked the streets they have left out they would be able to get alot of BT's custom


I guess they have missed the streets that aren't cost effective. Like ours is all block paved, and only 8 houses. No chance they would take the chance on the cost of reinstatements on here.

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It's all about monthly usage and prime time throttling once you get past 20MBit anyway.


that's why my heavy stuff gets done off-peak, and I just do general use at prime time...


I would do that regardless of limits and/or throttling...

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