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Is this Supplement safe?

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Looking at what's in the second one, it appears from the names that they have chosen for the constituents that they want you to think that it contains hormones, but it doesn't.


Whether they actually do make you use the testosterone in your body any differently is something I'd want to read up about. The product may or may not make you use the testosterone in your body differently (this needs some verifying) and this may or may not be a good thing (also needs some reading up).


Personally I think it sounds like a load of hype. You already have the testosterone in your body and for the vast majority of people your body maintains the level perfectly normally all by itself. You don't need to tinker with it because there's nothing wrong with it as it is.


I'd get the training schedule, sleep pattern and all the really big things sorted out first if I were you.

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There are 2 different prodcts there, one is test freak and one is ripped freak and both are completely different. Me and my boyfriend are into health and fitness and he doesn't rate ripped freak.


Says it's like a mild nitrous oxide energy drink and if you want energy and a better workout go for jack3d or SAW.

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There are 2 different prodcts there, one is test freak and one is ripped freak and both are completely different. Me and my boyfriend are into health and fitness and he doesn't rate ripped freak.


Says it's like a mild nitrous oxide energy drink and if you want energy and a better workout go for jack3d or SAW.


Or just a strong cup of black coffee.


99 per cent of all these supplements are garbage, stick with the proven stuff like Creatine, Whey Protein, make sure you are drinking lots of water, make sure you are eating enough protein (most people are not), etc.

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Ripped Freak isn't a steroid. It isn't even close. It's a pre-work out stim which are usually made up of high doses of caffeine and a couple of other things. Bodybuilding stim ingredients sometimes appear on the IOC banned list but they're usually not illegal (unless they're banned for one reason or another in which case sale and production in the country in which the ban was placed usually stops).


I used to take Jack3d (pronounced Jacked) which is probably similar. They give you high amounts of short-term energy due to the caffeine content but this usually results in some sort of 'crash' at the end of the effect.


As someone has already said, if you have everything else in order then maybe you might want to try it for those days where you really can't be bothered with training. However, most people who take this stuff don't have their diet/routine/form sorted out to start with so the effects are minimal.


I personally wouldn't bother. Stick with protein / creatine / BCAAs if your diet needs supplementation (well creatine regardless for me) and work your ass off!

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It's the second one, after training supplement which is suppose to help shredd ur physique..


My diet, sleeping pattern and training schedule is all messed up

So I think this supplement would be useful..

Il have to add some to my intake and il keep you posted on the

Results :)



Thank you all for your resonses much appreciated.


If your diet, sleeping pattern and training schedule are messed up then this will do nothing. You need to get these things sorted. Work from the ground up.

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