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Sheffield to have best roads in the UK


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I do hope that before they create the best roads they create the best water pipes, gas pipes and electric cables to save digging them up after the resurfacing work has been done.
It would be atypical if they did plan ahead.
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I do hope that before they create the best roads they create the best water pipes, gas pipes and electric cables to save digging them up after the resurfacing work has been done.
Unfortunately 'they' aren't responsible for the gas, electric, water, telecom etc infrastructure. When roads are surfaced these companies are given notice and time restrictions are imposed on any future work. But local authorities can't enforce these restrictions on emergency work, so if they do want to do work during the time restriction, then they just have to claim it is an emergency.
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Most road reinstatement after installation of new infrastructure is back filled too rapidly and not compacted in reccomended layers as these contractors are trained to do so and are supposedly supervised to do so.This results in collapse of the edge or sinking of the trench. If this is not addressed a new road will soon look like most of the others within Sheffield. Also the council pot hole gang that goes around dumping the odd shovel of cold fill and whacking it down without cutting the edge back and priming doesn't help much as it fails quickly.

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so off the bat, 1bn will disappear in administration costs, while the rest will be blown on buying equipment and materials, then the company will hire a 5 man team and tell them to fix ALL the roads over the next 5 years. 1 year in and the last of the money has gone and only 5% of the cities roads will have even been inspected.


Your a man after my own heart, that's the kind of world I live in :D

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It has to be said, most of you lot have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and even less idea how roads will be maintained under the new contract. I'm appalled (but sadly not in the least bit surprised), at the almost complete lack of knowledge displayed on this thread.

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It has to be said, most of you lot have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and even less idea how roads will be maintained under the new contract. I'm appalled (but sadly not in the least bit surprised), at the almost complete lack of knowledge displayed on this thread.


Please feel free to educate us..... The comments on here seem to be the comments of tax payers that are fed up of the shoddy workmanship that we pay so much for and the complete lack organisation between utility companies and the council. I do not claim to understand what it takes to lay a road but I do understand how poorly the roads deteriorate and how quickly in sheffield.

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A couple of questions that I have not been able to get definite answers about so far are, when a tree trunk has tar mac right up to the base will all such pavement trees be given a tree pit round them and will all vehicle access routes across pavements have dropped kerbs installed rather than stepped kerbs.

Last time I asked the highways people about this they claimed the detail hadn't been sorted out yet, although I did later hear that the company would simply be making good any deficiencies rather than the re modeling that we really want to see in many places.

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reduce all cycle lanes add more car lanes well it is us motorist that pay while cyclist freeload shove them on pavements saves us knocking them off all the time


People who drive vehicles with internal combustion engines aren't the only one s who pay:anybody who pays income tax pays for roads. 'Cyclists' aren't born with a bike welded between their legs - we are also pedestrians, public transport users....and motorists.


And if you want to avoid knocking over cyclists, learn to drive and obey the laws of the road.

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I do wonder how far this money will go - how much is it really? I also wonder why the council can't do it - what's the automatic benefit of giving public money to a private company?


Some of the worst stretches of road could soak up a lot of cash - Penistone Road, Holywell Road, the half of Carlisle Street that was left untouched when the other part was resurfaced. What will be the priorities?

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