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Sheffield to have best roads in the UK


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Nick Clegg said that did he? What contract is he going to sign & what on earth had he to do with the Highways PFI bid? The bid was put together by a Labour Council & the bid approved & money awarded by a Labour government. The contract will be signed by Amey with the Labour Council.


So Nick Clegg is trying to take the credit for it all ? Why am I not surprised?


I don't think he was trying to take credit. He just said the contract has just been signed! Note the passive test which doesn't indicate the person who did the signing.

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The news says a private company will be given £2bn to make Sheffield's roads the best in the country. I don't know about other people but I'm very sceptical about this. Thoughts?


I'm sure theres a song to go with this, yep that's the one

Bobby Daren. Dreamin I'm Always Dreamin

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The news says a private company will be given £2bn to make Sheffield's roads the best in the country. I don't know about other people but I'm very sceptical about this. Thoughts?


I've no doubt that a private company will be given £2bn. Not convinced about the rest of it though.

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All the details are here on the Council's website :




Can anyone be so kind as to give the real costs to the Council Tax Payers in a simple form.

The information is probably in the middle of all that, but like Mobile Phone and Utilty Companies they seem to be unable to provide figures that are directly comparable ... which engenders distrust.


The documents say that we will continue to pay (roughly) the £25 million/year that we already pay for Highways.

They say we will have to pay an extra £10 million/year for the increased work of the PFI.

They also say that we will need a total of £700 million PFI credits from Central Government.


Are those credits equivalent to a grant, or do they have to be repaid?


So ...

What is the Extra Income to SCC per year for the PFI?

What are the outgoings per year for the PFI?

How much extra per year is this PFI going to cost the Council Tax Payer?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm all for Sheffield's roads being resurfaced in principle - but there are two main causes for their current poor state, and if these aren't going to be specifically addressed then there's no hope:


1. Cold weather. In order to get around this, very high quality surfaces will be needed which aren't susceptible to small imperfections. Is this going to be the case?


2. By far the biggest cause of potholes around here is roads being dug up willy-nilly by both Street Force and external contractors, then poorly patched up, with seemingly no sign-off process to check the quality of the repair. This then provides the imperfections which the cold weather turns into proper potholes.


For example:


i) London Road, near the old "Bed" Sainsbury's recently had a large skull-sized lump of hardened tarmac in the middle of the road for a matter of months.

ii) Abbeydale Road into town a few years ago had a car-sized cavity set a good 20cm below the level of the surrounding road after someone (Virgin Media I think) dug it up and then failed to resurface it properly

iii) Springfield Road had a much-needed resurfacing a few months ago having been in a dire state. Street Force closed it off and did a grand job over a number of weeks - the result was fantastic. Within 2 weeks, however, Yorkshire Water were in, removing the surface again and utterly bodging it up.


If this PFI is not going to be an utter waste of money, the Council are going to need to make some big changes so that road works are planned sensibly, and all work is audited afterwards to ensure that the roads are left in at least as good a condition as they were found.

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