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PCSOs to replace regular police on beat

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If we are to have a second rate police service (plastic police), then let's pay accordingly. The police precept saw its normal inflation busting rise.


And this so the police can deal with serious incidents?


Like what? Motoring offences?


PCSO = please contact senior officer.


PCSO = errrrrr can I can`t I make a an arrest err no not unless I call 999 first .Stick to stepping in whoopsies its more entertaining:hihi:

PCSO options

1 50/50

2 ask the public

3 call a friend:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Anyone heard about the proposed plan to take most police off regular beat duties and replace them with PCSOs :?::suspect:


Apparently there is a meeting tomorrow of the police commitee to discuss this cost saving idea by the new chief constable :huh:


Don't know about you but this does not instill any feeling of trust in the new chief constable or any feeling of being safe on the streets. We need more police with full police powers on the street not less :rant::loopy:




According to our Chief Constable ,we are not reducing the number of police in the force , so if this is true , where are they moving them all to ,desk jobs ??. We are ending up with less patrolling police , and replacing them with pretend police with hardly any powers .Somebody high up in this country has totally lost the plot.

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Agreed,CPSOs are real cop wannabes never gonnabes. Noone takes them serious and noone ever will. Whats the differnce between a CPSO and me? the CPSO's have a radio linked to the police, well I have a mobile phone linked to 999 at the click of a button


A PCSO I once encountered was all guns ho swearing and acting like he was J R ewing I told him his launguage wasn`t called for and would he like some soap ,He said what for i said darling not for whats comming out of your mouth your personal hygene is somewhat to be desired ,he took real offence to my remark. Well he did whiff a bit ............x

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Don't know about you but this does not instill any feeling of trust in the new chief constable or any feeling of being safe on the streets. We need more police with full police powers on the street not less :rant::loopy:


I know I sound like a scratched record but Sheffield's public services do not attract the brightest and best. Only two people applied for the job of chief plod and one of those dropped out after meeting the "committee". So this bloke got the job by default. I reckon this is only the first barking mad plan he has up his sleeve and he has only taken the job so he can start trying out some more of them.

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Another thing I thought of, is that if the Police want to save money, they should recruit more Special Constables, OK they have to spend money to train them etc, but Specials, unlike PCSOs, have full Police powers in England and Wales iirc, I've applied 3 times for the "job" but failed the interview last August, rubbish answers to the "respect for race and diversity" questions they said :(


Besides, getting to the training out at Maltby 4 nights a week would've been a logistics nightmare for me, as I rely on Dad for transport and he's often late home or working away.

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The police force will never be strengthened by recruiting any more "pretend policemen", no matter what name we choose to call them.

The correct calibre of people will only be recruited by offering good terms and conditions to real policemen.

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The police force will never be strengthened by recruiting any more "pretend policemen", no matter what name we choose to call them.

The correct calibre of people will only be recruited by offering good terms and conditions to real policemen.


Specials are not "pretend" Policemen, the only difference between them and regulars is that they are volunteers, whereas regulars earn a wage.


Have a look at Policespecials.com for more detail, and they have a very active forum as well.

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The police force will never be strengthened by recruiting any more "pretend policemen", no matter what name we choose to call them.

The correct calibre of people will only be recruited by offering good terms and conditions to real policemen.



Hi Phil, do you think our friend Xenia might fit the bill, given his experience in the field of security?

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It will be like this :hihi::hihi: ,must watch.


Get more visable PCSO's for cheaper.At the end of the day,a PCSO is the eyes and the ears of the regular cops.A press of a button and the rozzers will be there in minutes to back up/take over from the pcso.





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