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PCSOs to replace regular police on beat

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2, 3 and 4 are childish libel and display a remarkable lack of insight or research before making your pronouncments





This is almost a direct quote of a comment made by an aquaintance who was Divisional Training Officer in another, neighbouring police force.


I have worked extensively alongside various police forces, hence my low opinion of the police in general, and specials and PCSO's in particular.



By the way, a comment is only libelous if targeted at a specific, identifiable individual or group of individuals. My comment was a generalisation.

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2, 3 and 4 are childish libel and display a remarkable lack of insight or research before making your pronouncments





This is almost a direct quote of a comment made by an aquaintance who was Divisional Training Officer in another, neighbouring police force.


I have worked extensively alongside various police forces, hence my low opinion of the police in general, and specials and PCSO's in particular.



By the way, a comment is only libelous if targeted at a specific, identifiable individual or group of individuals. My comment was a generalisation.


let me guess said 'divisional training officer' is an old school regular police officer ?


a 'neighbouring force' so conveniently able to swerve answering about the changes SYP made under the last couple of ChCons , ditto with WYP ...


the fact is that some 'regular' personnel see any kind of volunteer / retained / reserve as a threat if only to their overtime ...

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I can only speak for Beighton, but - here at least- a more accurate thread title would be "PCSO's to replace nobody on beat."


We haven't seen a police officer walk these streets even once, in the last three years. PCSO's doing so would be an enormous improvement.

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I can only speak for Beighton, but - here at least- a more accurate thread title would be "PCSO's to replace nobody on beat."


We haven't seen a police officer walk these streets even once, in the last three years. PCSO's doing so would be an enormous improvement.




Well, yes HeadingNorth, I do believe you have a very valid point there.


Must admit I am not so sure that it is PCSOs rather than (real) police officers I have seen walking round here :huh:


I am sure that I read somewhere that when 'noddy' police cars were first introduced that the number of police officers were reduced by 10%, may have been more, as the use of the cars meant not as many PCs were required to cover the same area, so a big saving on costs.


I wonder if the same is being planned with the chopper :?::banana:

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If we are to have a second rate police service (plastic police), then let's pay accordingly. The police precept saw its normal inflation busting rise.


And this so the police can deal with serious incidents?


Like what? Motoring offences?


PCSO = please contact senior officer.


Like what serious incidents? Like MURDERS, RAPES, VIOLENT CRIME, BURGLARIES...Need I go on. It's mostly TRAFFIC police who deal with motoring offences, duh.


If you or your family become a victim of a serious crime and your upset/hurt, who's the first person you'd call?


Have some respect!

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I can only speak for Beighton, but - here at least- a more accurate thread title would be "PCSO's to replace nobody on beat."


We haven't seen a police officer walk these streets even once, in the last three years. PCSO's doing so would be an enormous improvement.


Unfortunately, the police deal with a crime for say an hour and then have to spend the next 3/4 hours doing the paperwork - you want more police on the streets? Pay admin staff to do the paperwork.


Because of this and constant call outs, there's always a never ending pile of work that needs filling in before they get any 'free time' to walk the streets :(

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I believe that PCSOs work a 37hr shift pattern between 8am and midnight.


What happens between midnight and 8am? Does crime go off shift as well :huh:


Ha ha :hihi: More serious crime generally happens after those hours so who do you think deals with that crime which most certainly doesn't go off shift?


Call the PC's.

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Ha ha :hihi: More serious crime generally happens after those hours so who do you think deals with that crime which most certainly doesn't go off shift?


Call the PC's.


but the majority of police incidents between midnight and 8am that require an immediate response also require the attendance of a sworn officer .e.g motoring offences, 'night time economy' related public order / assault / allegations of sexual offence , believed 'persons on' attempt burglary ...


However reassuring Mrs Miggins about kids being borderline antisocial is best left for day light hours of the early evening ... and unless you are going to post a PCSO outside mrs miggins house 24/ 7 you are not going to achieve instant dispersal of said childers whether by PCSO or by a holder of the office of Constable ... or listening to one group of locals moaning about another groups of locals driving is again best left for daylight hours ...


so what realistically could PCSOs do midnight - 8am ? scene guards ... that's aobut it , as unless they have full OST training which would be a PR nightmare they would be at undue risk partnered up with sworn officers dealing with 'night time economy' stuff - and when you've the alternative of 2 volunteer approaches to dealing with the night time economy either Specials doing specific 'night time economy' work on foot or in a van in the pub andclub areas or the 'welfare only' or welfare and immediate medical response systems from the SOS bus / street pastors type scenario ( with or without SJA/ BRC/ NHS ambulance resources)

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A nurse can't do what a Doctor can but you'll still see them first, a teaching assistant can't do what a teacher does but you're still happy to trust them with your kids. Sure there are other jobs which have a 2 or 3 or more tier system. AFAIK PCSOs have always had beat areas so what's new? As for replacing officers, utter tosh and sensationalistic reporting jumped on by bandwagon politicians who should know better! Still why let the facts get in the way of a good story....

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I can only speak for Beighton, but - here at least- a more accurate thread title would be "PCSO's to replace nobody on beat."


We haven't seen a police officer walk these streets even once, in the last three years. PCSO's doing so would be an enormous improvement.


Spot on. A fat PCSO is an improvement on the zero PC at present patrolling our local streets.

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