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PCSOs to replace regular police on beat

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A nurse can't do what a Doctor can but you'll still see them first,


oh dear , as if we haven't got enough inaccurate information about what nurses and Doctors do in the ATOS thread .


PCSOS are an Assistant grade they are not a complementary profession to Sworn Officers, we'll leave it at that.

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On the money.




The best way to deal with crime is to prevent it. To do that you have to understand why people do it and convince them it's not worth it. Why don't people think it's worth living within the law? Of course that can't be reduced to a nice slogan - doesn't play well on the front page.

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A nurse can't do what a Doctor can but you'll still see them first, a teaching assistant can't do what a teacher does but you're still happy to trust them with your kids. Sure there are other jobs which have a 2 or 3 or more tier system. AFAIK PCSOs have always had beat areas so what's new? As for replacing officers, utter tosh and sensationalistic reporting jumped on by bandwagon politicians who should know better! Still why let the facts get in the way of a good story....


It’s interesting that you should use the NHS and education as example of two-tier service.

Both systems are in melt-down.

Both are virtually disabled by a quota driven, box ticking, target led and completely unworkable bureaucratic dogma. (Sounds a bit like the police force, doesn’t it.)

Our education system is so poor that many proper universities are having to instigate remedial English lessons for their incoming student, so poor is the standard of written skills amongst A level students.

Our hospitals are so unhygienic that patients are highly likely to acquire more infections during hospitalisation than they were originally admitted with.


So, yes, I think your parallels are apposite and justified.

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this is the tip of the iceberg.

The Winsor report into policing is recommending that Police re arrange their pay so that those not working shifts receive less money.

Therefore, what will happen.. ?

you guessed it.. the bean counters will make sure there arent as many cops working at night..!!


Also direct entry into supervisory ranks will come in. So those currently working as a manager at British Gas, could come straight into the Police at Inspector rank, and be responsible for a shift of 30 cops..


The helicopters' operating hours are being chopped by half, so it only flies for half the day, and it looks like the cops on there will be replaced by civvies so it can only be used for missing person searches not crime.


Blunket brought in PCSOs and the cops warned at the time that it would bring in a 2 tier police force. I think at the moment they would be happy with just 2..!!


British Police used to be the envy of the world. The main reason being that when Robert Peel invented the modern Police service, he insisted that the person at the very top, had started at the very bottom.

He'll be turning in his grave.


So the torys are finishing off the job that labour started, of dismantling the police service of this country.

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I think that says it all you pay real money you get real police officers you pay nothing and you get pretend police officers with no real powers .


Actually, Specials have the same Police powers as regular Officers, but obviously their training is not as extensive, as a fully qualified Special Constable will be trained and sworn in inside 4 months.


I know all this as I've applied for the "job" 3 times.

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Actually, Specials have the same Police powers as regular Officers, but obviously their training is not as extensive, as a fully qualified Special Constable will be trained and sworn in inside 4 months.


I know all this as I've applied for the "job" 3 times.


If specials have the same power as regualar coppers why then do we need these community support officers who have zero powers?


You applied 3 times?

Well done for trying mate.

What did they fail you on if you dont mind me asking?

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If specials have the same power as regualar coppers why then do we need these community support officers who have zero powers?


You applied 3 times?

Well done for trying mate.

What did they fail you on if you dont mind me asking?


Failed the interview last August on my third attempt to get in, not enough detail on my answers to the questions about respect for race and diversity :(


I'd apply again but Mum and Dad don't want me to.. And besides, even if I pass the interview I'd be 99% certain to fail the medical due to being medically classed as 80% disabled.

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