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Consenting adults

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So to answer the op,even if 2 close related people consented to sex it can be quite damaging to the persons involved.It also causes a lot of family upset all round not to mention a lot of confusion for the persons involved,they would most definatley need a lot of counselling.

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Your confusing incest with marrying 1st cousins or are you saying there is an incest problem in the Asian community?


It's not really confusing it, first cousins are close relatives & many people do consider that to be incest, whether it's legal or not.


Incest laws exist because it causes a higher than average rate of genetic defects, which can cause serious disability or death to children of closely related couples. It doubles the risk of serious genetic diseases with first cousins, more than doubles it if there's a family tradition of marrying first cousins. If they're closer relatives then it's worse still, could be up to 36% serious defects for children of sibling or parent-child couples.



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It's not really confusing it, first cousins are close relatives & many people do consider that to be incest, whether it's legal or not.


Incest laws exist because it causes a higher than average rate of genetic defects, which can cause serious disability or death to children of closely related couples. It doubles the risk of serious genetic diseases with first cousins, more than doubles it if there's a family tradition of marrying first cousins. If they're closer relatives then it's worse still, could be up to 36% serious defects for children of sibling or parent-child couples.




A woman of 40 is 1179% more likely to have a down syndrome baby that a woman of 25. People with a learning disability are more likely to have children with a learning disability. And the list of groups exceeding what might be considered 'normal' levels of risk could go on and on.


If the risk of producing a disabled child is no more than it is for other groups (who we tolerate reproducing) then how do we justify treating incestuous couples differently? Even if the risk was deemed unacceptable, shouldn't the law simple prohibit them from having children rather than having sex? The fact that it is the relationship itself that is prohibited seems to indicate that the risk issue is a smokescreen for what is really a State imposed (intolerant) morality law.

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So to answer the op,even if 2 close related people consented to sex it can be quite damaging to the persons involved.It also causes a lot of family upset all round not to mention a lot of confusion for the persons involved,they would most definatley need a lot of counselling.

again, so can being gay, my sister came out and her and my dad fell out, they didnt talk or see each other for 15 years or so, he died in december and all she could do to "see him" was go to his funeral


like i said earlier like it or not, homosexuality IS seen in the same light to some people as incest, immoral, perverse, unnatural, disgusting, and previously was also banned and illegal just the same.

like i said neithers my cup of tea but i can see where BOTH people are consenting their shouldnt be state interference with what goes on behind closed doors, same with the more extreme sexual practices, i understand it was more to do with porn but it also affects everyday people who are CONSENTING ADULTS

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Following on from the gay marriage megathread I was wondering what people thought about the banning of incestuous relationships between consenting adults - prompted by the recent story from Germany and the European Court of Human rights decision to allow it to be outlawed.


Should we not be applying the same principle as most people supported re homosexuals I.e what goes on sexually between consenting adults is their business?


And before anyone says anything... No I don't have a sister! :)


If incest is banned then most people in Stocksbridge will have to become celibate! :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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