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More disgrace for SYP

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Same as the families, the truth. Who stole the video tape? Who stole Baird's evidence?


How are you sure that the truth is not already in the published reports ?

Anyhow I will not get involved in this as I was suspended from SF for 24 hours on the last thread you started about this. Were you suspended also ?

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Why are so people so anxious to defend the police lies?

I don't care what the Police did or did not say - mobs of strikers should be dealt with harshly in my book. If the Police had gone straight in with tear gas and baton rounds, I'd have been quite happy with their actions.
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39 miners were paid an unprecedented £425,000, plus costs, by South Yorkshire police to settle civil claims that included assault, malicious prosecution and wrongful arrest.



South Yorkshire tax payers footed the bill for plods incompetence. Not for the first or last time.

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How is this "more" disgrace exactly? It's nothing recent, happened years ago, predates Hillsborough and has no bearing on SYP as it is today.



Nonsense. The fact that Hillsborough followed Orgeave shows plod learned nothing from the experience. There is no evidence they have learned from Hillsborough. The only thing they have learned is to be more careful about making sure information is kept under wraps.


Whilst there haven't been so many major incidents to focus attention on there have been a steady trickle of failures. Recently there was the case of the SYPD plod who caused a trial to collapse and cost tax payers millions. Then look at their dismal record in crime fighting, gang wars and anti-social behaviour. It's a pity they can't put as much effort into crime fighting as they do into keeping their toy helicopter and whining about cuts. And now they want to put PCSOs on the front line (well, until 10pm when they have to go to bed).


SYPD is nothing to be proud of BUT they are no worse than any other police force (sorry, service). The Met are a scandal but nobody cares and nobody does anything about it. The reality is the police are just another unaccountable public sector organisation and the only time they get put under the spotlight is in the courts and they never look good under a harsh light.

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Duckinfield's boss, who had been doing the job in previous years - until his promotion - was so appalled by the mismanagement by Duckinfield that he offered to resign himself. Interesting that Duckinfield didn'tThe surge of fans was caused by old jammed turnstiles holding up entry into the ground, traffic delays on the M62, and a strange lack of the usual police supervision of the fans approaching the ground. When the match kicked off and many fans with tickets were still outside, of course there was an increase in urgency to get into the ground - and scientific studies on crowd behaviour have (in the aftermath) shown that individuals in a crowd have about as much control over the mass they're part of as the particle in a gas do


Not only were PEOPLE dying inside the ground, but Duckinfield was directly responsible for preventing the emergency services from reaching them, compounding the situation


Brady and Hindley never remembered where they buried one of their victims. Should that kid's mum 'just get over it'?


Re bib.


Could that be explained by Duckinfield's boss regarding himself as being responsible for Duckinfield's (lack of) training prior to Hillsborough?

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Duckinfield should have been reported to S Y Police professional standards because they are a force to be reckoned with.


The mets - 2 dismissals for racism as a portion of the complaints mean we do in fact have nigh on perfect police forces........................ or irrelevant investigation procedures.


Wonder how many dismissals S Y Police professional standards have racked up and why Duckinfield didnt qualify ?

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You know the Guardian. Its anniversary time of a tragic event and they need something to sell their rag. Just look at their twitter feed following that article. Full of pompus self importants cooing over its "genius" "must read" "stunning" article.


The only disgrace is The Guardian's continued disgusting attempts to smear the police at every opportunity. This vile excuse for a newspaper should be prosecuted for inciting civil unrest with its constant attmepts to undermine public confidence in the police force..

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The only disgrace is The Guardian's continued disgusting attempts to smear the police at every opportunity. This vile excuse for a newspaper should be prosecuted for inciting civil unrest with its constant attmepts to undermine public confidence in the police force..


"Smear" What are you saying is factually inaccurate in the report? Do you deny SYP paid compensation?

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Is this another attempt to talk about the Hillsborough disaster by the back door, so to speak? It's been discussed endlessly on this site. You should all know by now that it always ends the same way. People are never going to be in accord on what actually happened that day. For the sake of the innocent victims, can we please let it lie?


Surely there's enough to discuss about policing without harking back about policing methods from 30/40 years ago?


No, it's another platform for ferno to criticise Britain / England.

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No, it's another platform for ferno to criticise Britain / England.


You keep making up stuff people have never said. Nothing I've posted is "anti Britain", that's why, again, you have no examples.


The cops in bed with the press is not an old story, and it's never a good idea.

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