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Road Rage Incident - Objective advice wanted

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I was involved in a road rage incident this morning on the way to work. Upon reflection I think there were things I could have done differently to prevent it ending up the way it did, but I'd like some objective advice!


Heres what happened:


Travelling north on the M1 at ~80mph with cruise control on overtaking traffic reasonably quickly, and I was driving in lane 3. Shortly before the junction for wakefield, a black motorcycle came up behind me very quickly. I chekced my mirrors and decided I was not in a position to move into lane 2 as I was still gaining on traffic.


The motorcyclist then began to sway from side to side presumably trying to attract my attention. I then braked (to deactivate the cruise control) and manually controlled the speed of my vehicle.


At this point the motorcyclist switched to lane 2 and drew alongside my passenger window. I signalled to him to pull in front of me, however he just shouted "Fork you" and showed me his gloved two fingered salute.


I must admit I swore back, and showed him my fingers too. At which point he took his right fist and slammed it into my passenger wing mirror and then rode off.


I called 999 to report the inicdent, however the Police just said that without a full registration they could not take action, and I should just report it to a police station. Unfortunatley I only got a partial registration YT61, which was next to useless according to the Police.


So SF people. What could/should I have done differently? Please justify your position with an explaination, don't just write one sentence saying, for example: 'Just let him pass'. That helps no one

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Doesn't cruise control (you posh bugger) deactivate if you press the accelerator as well?


He (presumably a he) should have waited for you to move into the middle lane when it was possible, but if he has moved into the middle lane to (wrongly) undertake you, you should just let them, don't signal for them to do anything, let them make the decision. :)

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Do you feel better now you've vented to us?


If he was able to pull into the middle lane, why couldn't you? I agree with Dafoot, it would have been better not to respond and hopefully you wouldn't have got the damage done to your vehicle.


Just digressing, why do all motorcyclists seem to have a death wish? Weaving about like they do at really high speeds is one thing. But taking his hand off the handlebar to smash it into your car, must be quite a dangerous manoevre at 80+ mph?

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If you're going to attempt modern fiction, at least make it plausible...


...your suggesting he let go of the throttle, at high speed, controlled the motorcycle accurately enough to get that close to your car, and lashed out...



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I was involved in a road rage incident this morning on the way to work. Upon reflection I think there were things I could have done differently to prevent it ending up the way it did, but I'd like some objective advice!


Heres what happened:


Travelling north on the M1 at ~80mph with cruise control on overtaking traffic reasonably quickly, and I was driving in lane 3. Shortly before the junction for wakefield, a black motorcycle came up behind me very quickly. I chekced my mirrors and decided I was not in a position to move into lane 2 as I was still gaining on traffic.


The motorcyclist then began to sway from side to side presumably trying to attract my attention. I then braked (to deactivate the cruise control) and manually controlled the speed of my vehicle.


At this point the motorcyclist switched to lane 2 and drew alongside my passenger window. I signalled to him to pull in front of me, however he just shouted "Fork you" and showed me his gloved two fingered salute.


I must admit I swore back, and showed him my fingers too. At which point he took his right fist and slammed it into my passenger wing mirror and then rode off.


I called 999 to report the inicdent, however the Police just said that without a full registration they could not take action, and I should just report it to a police station. Unfortunatley I only got a partial registration YT61, which was next to useless according to the Police.

So SF people. What could/should I have done differently? Please justify your position with an explaination, don't just write one sentence saying, for example: 'Just let him pass'. That helps no one


Cruise control set to 80 in the outside lane? I bet when you did move over you just sat in the middle lane slowing all that traffic down as well.


If you want to over take, then bloody get on with it. From what you say, it sounds like there was no traffic in front of you so you were just driving like a massive nob.

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