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Road Rage Incident - Objective advice wanted

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Have we even established yet that blipping the brake pedal to disengage the cruise control shows a light to the rear?


Yes it does. My cars also have a button to switch off the CC and if I press the CC stalk down it reduces the speed just like taking my foot off the gas pedal. There's no reason / excuse for touching the brake pedal at all.


Stomp's attempt to teach the biker a lesson could have turned out a lot worse - he / she should be thankful not to be up on a manslaughter charge.

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lol, don't you think that's just the SF effect? I'm a bit irate now and I wasn't even there or even know either of the protagonists. :cool:


I'm not irate, I am however questioning the Op's need to show such anger on SF, on such a small issue (IMO) :D

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Yes it does. My cars also have a button to switch off the CC and if I press the CC stalk down it reduces the speed just like taking my foot off the gas pedal. There's no reason / excuse for touching the brake pedal at all.


Stomp's attempt to teach the biker a lesson could have turned out a lot worse - he / she should be thankful not to be up on a manslaughter charge.

I can't believe that he didn't know exactly what he was doing when he dabbed the brake - perhaps a naive inexperienced driver might be ignorant under such circumstances, but a master of the road, like Stomp seems to be with his most impressive certificates, knew what he was doing when he hit the brake, and knew that it would alarm the rider.


If he honestly didn't know that, he needs to realise that his IAM papers mean nothing.

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Sigh. Again? Really?


Read post 1. It clearly says I was overtaking. This believe it or not is possible on a motorway with your CC on. Try it. You'll be amazed.


Yes I braked to turn off CC. Hindsight says this probably initiated a chain of escalating events. To be fair either of us could have ended this chain at any time had we chosen to. We both must share that responsibility. I don't believe I said I was going to "accelerate to move back into lane 2". I did point out that this may have been an option to a MORE advanced driver than I.


Accelerating whilst cruise is on is possible. But why would I accelerate FURTHER when already doing 80? In fairness I could have out my foot down but I rather suspect it would have a achieved little as a motorcycle is always going to beat a 2.0 4x4 in accelaration but it may have put me into a better position to move I to lane 2 to allow mr motorcycle to get from up my backside. I'll ponder that one.


If the guy is behind you, and there is a car to your left, surely going FASTER to get past the car, so you can pull in would be the only sensible option. How was slowing down going to help? It sounds like you were barely going fast enough to overtake anyway. What was breaking going to achieve? Slow down even more so the middle lane traffic goes past you? Great idea.

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The sort of person who thought that somebody had just tried to kill them might get a bit cross.


Quite right. I'd be a bit miffed too, however I wouldn't then put my life at risk again by taking my hand off the bike to damage the other persons vehicle no matter how I felt.


Ok, now I understand the bikers point of view....your anger is tangible on an internet forum, never mind in a car! :|


So your perception of anger on an internet forum equates to anger behind the wheel? I'm sorry, but what is your point here?


Yes it does. My cars also have a button to switch off the CC and if I press the CC stalk down it reduces the speed just like taking my foot off the gas pedal. There's no reason / excuse for touching the brake pedal at all.


Again, my vehicle has 4 ways to disengage cruise control. However I have gotten into the habit of doing it by braking.



Stomp's attempt to teach the biker a lesson could have turned out a lot worse - he / she should be thankful not to be up on a manslaughter charge.


Assumption plain and simple. You have no evidence other than your own opinion that I was trying to teach anyone anything.


I can't believe that he didn't know exactly what he was doing when he dabbed the brake - perhaps a naive inexperienced driver might be ignorant under such circumstances, but a master of the road, like Stomp seems to be with his most impressive certificates, knew what he was doing when he hit the brake, and knew that it would alarm the rider.


If he honestly didn't know that, he needs to realise that his IAM papers mean nothing.


Of course I knew what I was doing when I pressed the brake, I don't walk around in a daze.


If the guy is behind you, and there is a car to your left, surely going FASTER to get past the car, so you can pull in would be the only sensible option. How was slowing down going to help? It sounds like you were barely going fast enough to overtake anyway. What was breaking going to achieve? Slow down even more so the middle lane traffic goes past you? Great idea.


How does it sound like I was barely going fast enough to overtake? Are you basing this on the fact that the motorcyclist wanted to get past me?


I have already made it clear that I was overtaking, and gaining on vehicles to my left. This is not to say that i'm sat in the outside lane tootling along whilst lane 2 is empty. If I am gaining on vehicles in lane 2 at a reasonable rate, then it is justified to stay in lane 3 rather than move into lane 2 for the two or three seconds it will take for me to be in a position to need to overtake again.

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. . . . . . . . Again, my vehicle has 4 ways to disengage cruise control. However I have gotten into the habit of doing it by braking.


. . . . . . . Of course I knew what I was doing when I pressed the brake, I don't walk around in a daze.

Of those 4 ways to disengage the cruise control, would the IAM recommend using the brake when a vulnerable road user is right up behind you?


I was under the impression that IAM drivers were those among us who manage not to get into bad driving habits.

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Any form of bicycle, motorised or not should be banned from the public highway.

They are a danger to everyone, themselves espescially.

Two wheels and Newtons Laws are not safe.

At the appalling M62/ M621 Junction I see them weaving between traffic, cutting under massive wagons, whose drivers cannot possibly have seen them.

Whose fault will it be when one of them is crushed to death under the wheels of a 45 tonne truck?

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