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Road Rage Incident - Objective advice wanted

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You lost my sympathy when you gave him the fingers and told him to 'eff off'. Did you tell the police about that bit when you reported the incident?


I suspect not and I doubt they'd be very impressed if you did.

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An acquaintance of mine was on the M1 and decided to point out to another car user that they shouldn't be using their mobile whilst driving. It ended with her braking hard in front of him and him hitting the centre reservation and then the hard shoulder. He spent a couple of weeks in hospital and she sailed off towards Meadowhall. She was never found.

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With the help of the freedom of information act I have obtained a transcript of the call.


What service do you require.




Putting you through...


Police, how can I help?


Yes officer, I was driving up the motorway, cluttering up the outside lane by crawling past all the other cars very very slowly, which I calculated would have saved about 38 seconds on my over all journey time. After about 10 minutes of this I accidently glanced in my rear view mirror, where at the front of a massive que of cars I suddenly noticed a motorbike. I carried on very slowly crawling past the middle lane traffic......


At this point the transcriber decided to go for a fag. He decided that listening to any more would make him breach data protection regulations, hunt down the caller and punch him in the face!



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If you're going to attempt modern fiction, at least make it plausible...


...your suggesting he let go of the throttle, at high speed, controlled the motorcycle accurately enough to get that close to your car, and lashed out...




Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. Even with the clutch in and coasting the bike would have lost enough speed to lose touch of the car in a couple of seconds.

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Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. Even with the clutch in and coasting the bike would have lost enough speed to lose touch of the car in a couple of seconds.


Yes, something is not quite right. Suppose, if he was a contortionist, he could have been his left hand :D

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