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Road Rage Incident - Objective advice wanted

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As a biker I'd have found the sight of someone right in front of me braking in the third lane of a motorway with nobody in front of them (thereby causing me to brake by reflex) a seriously inflammatory and dangerous thing to do, so I'm not really surprised that this angered him.


His response was not exactly positive (but as others have said, also not strictly possible either). A boot in your door panel, yes, but taking his hand off the throttle for that long is not very likely.


EDIT- in future, how about not being seen to brake in front of those behind you and just use the switch to turn of your cruise control?

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If you're going to attempt modern fiction, at least make it plausible...


...your suggesting he let go of the throttle, at high speed, controlled the motorcycle accurately enough to get that close to your car, and lashed out...




Really. Im not a motorcyclist so I have no idea how to drive one. All I know is that he saluted me, and bashed my mirror. If that involved "letting go of the throttle, at high speed" then yeah, I guess he did.



Cruise control set to 80 in the outside lane? I bet when you did move over you just sat in the middle lane slowing all that traffic down as well.


If you want to over take, then bloody get on with it. From what you say, it sounds like there was no traffic in front of you so you were just driving like a massive nob.


Lane 3 was clear. Which is obviously why I was able to have cruise control on. Lane 2 had vehciles in it which I was overtaking at a reasonable speed.




You lost my sympathy when you gave him the fingers and told him to 'eff off'. Did you tell the police about that bit when you reported the incident?


I suspect not and I doubt they'd be very impressed if you did.


Yeah, I shouldn't have responded. The Police weren't interested in my speed, and they never asked. If they did I would have said that my CC was set at 80.



I wonder what the police said to his admission of exceeding the speed limit?


See previous answer.


With the help of the freedom of information act I have obtained a transcript of the call.


What service do you require.




Putting you through...


Police, how can I help?


Yes officer, I was driving up the motorway, cluttering up the outside lane by crawling past all the other cars very very slowly, which I calculated would have saved about 38 seconds on my over all journey time. After about 10 minutes of this I accidently glanced in my rear view mirror, where at the front of a massive que of cars I suddenly noticed a motorbike. I carried on very slowly crawling past the middle lane traffic......


At this point the transcriber decided to go for a fag. He decided that listening to any more would make him breach data protection regulations, hunt down the caller and punch him in the face!




Thanks for that. Maybe you were the motocyclist in question? My call actually went rather like this:


"........<background noise>..........HELLO!?? Fire Police or Ambulace?"


"Police emergency?"

"Hello. Ive just had an altercation with a motorcyclist who has collided or punched my wing mirror on the M1 northbound"

"Is the motorcyclist injured?"

"No. He's riding off"

"Ok, has he collided with your vehicle, or just damaged it?"

"Erm. I think he just punched the wing mirror"

"Ok. Well do you have his reg?"

"I've got a partial reg"

"Im afraid that's no good. If you have got a full registration we can stop and speak to the person involved. Without that sir, im afraid there isnt much we can do. He has committed an offence but there is little chance of tracking him down."

"Ok. thanks bye".


Thank you for all the snotty "I drive better than you" responses. Please would you be so kind as to publish your driving qualifications? I suspect most of you have none.



IAM Certified Advanced Driver & Observer

RoSPA Gold


I should have known better than to respond to the cyclists aggression, that much is clear.

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As a biker I'd have found the sight of someone right in front of me braking in the third lane of a motorway with nobody in front of them (thereby causing me to brake by reflex) a seriously inflammatory and dangerous thing to do, so I'm not really surprised that this angered him.


Yes, I can see how this may have caused him to brake unneccessarily (spelling?!), BUT to quote a sticker I saw once: "If I stop, can you?". If I had to have legitimatley braked in an emergency situation, the motorcyclist would have ended up on my back seat.



His response was not exactly positive (but as others have said, also not strictly possible either). A boot in your door panel, yes, but taking his hand off the throttle for that long is not very likely.


Perhaps I should be clearer. He didn't have his hands off the 'wheel' throughout the incident. In fact I belive it was only twice or three times:


1 - To flick the V's.

2 - To flick the V's.

3 - To punch/elbow/otherwise impact my mirror.


All of those only take a second at most.


EDIT- in future, how about not being seen to brake in front of those behind you and just use the switch to turn of your cruise control?


Not a bad plan. I have developed a bad habit of braking to kill the CC, however I clearly need to kick that one. Thanks for the feedback.

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Yes, I can see how this may have caused him to brake unneccessarily (spelling?!), BUT to quote a sticker I saw once: "If I stop, can you?". If I had to have legitimatley braked in an emergency situation, the motorcyclist would have ended up on my back seat.







You're sat higher up on a bike so I reckon he could see beyond you and would probably have seen any "emergency situation" before you did...

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Do you feel better now you've vented to us?


I haven't 'vented'? I have described a situation which occured. You may read it as venting, however you do not know my emotional state, so you are clearly forming an opinion based on the text.


If he was able to pull into the middle lane, why couldn't you?


I drive a 4x4. He drives a motorcycle. My vehicle is significantly wider than his. He was able to move into L2 between myself and another vehicle. My apologies - I should have made that clearer.



I agree with Dafoot, it would have been better not to respond and hopefully you wouldn't have got the damage done to your vehicle.


That seems to be the consensus. Any tips on how to stay calm???


Just digressing, why do all motorcyclists seem to have a death wish? Weaving about like they do at really high speeds is one thing. But taking his hand off the handlebar to smash it into your car, must be quite a dangerous manoevre at 80+ mph?


I had a very heated argument with a morotcyclist who was my partner at the time. He took offence to my criticism of 'all' motorcyclists. I said something similar to you, that all motorcyclists seemed to drive irrisponsably. He took umbridge to this.


I justified my argument that I had (up to that point) NEVER seen a motorcyclist wait their turn in a queue, or stay in their own lane (on motorways and dual carrigeways), or drive in a way that I would call responsible. He disagreed and stated thatall motorcyclists are good drivers, because they have to be as it is a more dangerous method of travlling. This means that they are more aware than most car drivers, and it is in fact always the car drivers fault in an RTC situation.


I disagreed, and like adults we left the argument there, and agreed to disagree.

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You're sat higher up on a bike so I reckon he could see beyond you and would probably have seen any "emergency situation" before you did...


That is a reasonable assumption I suppose. However my rear windows are heavily tinted, and it is quite difficult to see through them unless you are very close to them. I guess that he may have been able to take avoiding action more flexibly than I?

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