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Road Rage Incident - Objective advice wanted

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Probably but you have to deal with the situation in real life,not some utopian highway..if you're holding someone up and you can see they're becoming a bit irritated then just let them pass..no biggie really..


Yes, I agree, move over and let them pass, assuming it's safe to do so.

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It's certainly worth a phone call.


How can it be worth it? It cannot possibly result in any outcome, it wastes the operators time (paid for by the public) and potential delays a serious call being responded to.

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probably got a story of how you'd attempted to cause an accident (by touching your brakes) - Not your intention but that's how I would have seen it if I was the motorcyclist.


Outside of the particular situation in hand, I am perfectly entitled to brake as I feel the need to. If a vehicle of any sort cannot stop if I do then they are the ones at fault.


Now, applying that logic to this situation: the vehicle to my rear could not have had a decent view of the road ahead as his vision was obsured by my vehicle. Therefore I could have been braking perfectly reasonably to react to a situation that I could see, or anticipate - pothole, another vehicle entering my lane, queue ahead etc etc.


As it happens, in this situation the brake application was to disengage the cruise control. Admittedly a bad habbit, but certainly not an attempt to cause an accident. Why would I want to cause an accident whereby a motorcyclist would have ended up either in my back window, or under another car?


I suspect that now the motorcyclist has (hopefully) calmed down a little, he will reflect upon the situation and realise that.

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How can it be worth it? It cannot possibly result in any outcome, it wastes the operators time (paid for by the public) and potential delays a serious call being responded to.


So in both of the scenario's I mentioned you would not call the Police?

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How can it be worth it? It cannot possibly result in any outcome, it wastes the operators time (paid for by the public) and potential delays a serious call being responded to.


My post was in reference to Stomps. If my shed or car were being broken into it would be advisable to phone the police. I'm not categorising it as an emergency but for insurance purposes it's a necessity I believe.


With regard to the damage done by the motorcyclist I would possibly report it but again, not as an emergency.

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Outside of the particular situation in hand, I am perfectly entitled to brake as I feel the need to.



I suspect that if you had an accident and told the police that you braked sharply for no good reason other than you felt like it then you'd probably be charged for driving without due care and attention or something.. are you really an advanced driver...?

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I suspect that if you had an accident and told the police that you braked sharply for no good reason other than you felt like it then you'd probably be charged for driving without due care and attention or something.. are you really an advanced driver...?


Would you like a copy of my certificate? PM me and I'll send it you.


Why would I brake sharply for no reason? Im not a moron. I am perfectly entilted to brake If I feel the NEED to . Not because I just felt like performing an emergency stop in the middle of the motorway you buffoon. I brake when I need to. If I feel I need to perform an emergency stop for whatever reason that's exactly what I would do. I wouldn't be driving along listening to my radio and think "Hmm. Im bored. I think I'll sit on my brakes".

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Cruise control in rush hour traffic is a bit silly IMO, it's a nice to have on the open road but more trouble than it's worth in busy traffic.


Your use of the breaks whilst a motorcycle was close behind you was probably interpreted as an aggression, no excusing for the apparent aggressive behaviour of the motorcyclist, people need to learn to chill while driving getting angry is futile and dangerous.


I know this might sound puerile and immature but if you laugh at angry gestures, this will stop you from getting angry yourself and angry drivers simply love to see your lack of reaction to their aggressive behaviour and you win every time.

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If a road user in front of us, touching their brakes, would cause us to 'see red', perhaps we should consider if we ourselves, are driving in a safe manner?


Giving the biker something to consider potentially put his life at risk... not the drivers. You obvious have never ridden a bike or you'd know how well such 'lessons' are likely to go down.


In this instance, the biker was doing in excess of 80mph, yet noone seems to have a problem with that, while it's been pointed out several times that the OP was in the wrong for doing 80mph.


If the biker was driving at a safe (and legal) speed, perhaps none of this would have happened?


Firstly, you don't know the biker was speeding. We have the word of the OP and I don't suppose he has had his speedo calibrated recently to ensure accuracy.


Secondly, you have leaped to the conclusion that the bikers speed was unsafe... on what evidence? What is safe is a subjective matter relating to the conditions and circumstances and cannot be judge based on what side of the speed limit someone is going.


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