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Fb- Is this acceptable??

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A couple of months ago I liked a "dirty jokes" page on Facebook. I'm not easily offended & like a good laugh so I thought it'd be alright.

A couple of days ago the "admin" posted a joke that was insinuating peadaphilia. Lots of people commented & reported it but as of today that joke remains on the page.


Then today it has sunk even lower and the admin has posted a "joke" (and I use the term loosly) which is a very explicit peadophile joke. Very offensive indeed and totally unacceptable.


The comments are of total disgust & most have reported the post. However it still remains on Facebook. It gets worse aswell because one man has said the joke is ok and so people have resorted to calling him the "N" word. He has retaliated by saying peoples babys are cute on their profile pic. This was all posted over 6 hours ago and Facebook have done nothing. How long does Facebook usually take to respond??

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With all due respect what did you think would happen by liking a dirty jokes page.


If you "like" these kind of pages you have got to be prepared for these sort of jokes.


I am not at all saying its acceptable for peadophilla jokes but sometimes if you just be careful of what you click this can be prevented.


I would never EVER like a dirty jokes page because the internet has thousands of people who have completely incapable of maintaining a social life so all they do is sit on the internet posting offensive jokes etc.


To me this is very simple you were absolutely daft for liking the page in the first place, if a number of people have reported it and no action has been taken what do you think you can realistically do?, if your not happy with the situation report it to facebook or possibly the police i am unsure if its actually breaking a law though.


Next time just be alot more sensible before liking anything this thing is BOUND to happen.

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Contact the police and see what they have to say. They might investigate, then again, they might not. Always an option.


Failing that, give this chap some very unwanted attention by reporting the group to the press. I am sure a rag like the Sun would gleefully run a story on a thing such as this.

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A couple of months ago I liked a "dirty jokes" page on Facebook. I'm not easily offended & like a good laugh so I thought it'd be alright.

A couple of days ago the "admin" posted a joke that was insinuating peadaphilia. Lots of people commented & reported it but as of today that joke remains on the page.


It may be in bad taste, like many dirty jokes, but that's all.

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