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How many horses will die at Aintree?

How many horses will die at Aintree 2012?  

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  1. 1. How many horses will die at Aintree 2012?

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Frankly the posts above are talkling lots of nuggets to put it mildly. The horses are not exploited, they are bred for the sport, if you can't see that they love it then you are deluded. They are not pack animals, they just want to do it, love it, their ears pricked up, they are in an enviroment that they have been bred for and enjoy.

As for banning, we are talking reality...it's never, ever going to happen.

As for money, I've lost enough over the many years.

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...I would ban any "sport" where the participants can't consent or comprehend the risks inherent in their activities.
So all the dog agility, eventing, gymkhanas, kid's sports and gymnastics, we've got to ban them all because someone, somewhere, sometime, might get hurt? Look at all the footballers, rugby players, skiers who get injured, maimed or die every year. You tell me they go out there fully cogniscent of the dangers or think they might die? You think the kid who died playing football today thought it might kill him? But you want to ban it all?


You can't wrap everyone up in cotton wool just because you're over sensitive.

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The horses are not exploited, they are bred for the sport,


See what you did there?


if you can't see that they love it then you are deluded. They are not pack animals, they just want to do it, love it, their ears pricked up, they are in an enviroment that they have been bred for and enjoy.


You don't understand an animal's flight or fight response then? That'll be the ears pricked up when the adrenaline surges


As for banning, we are talking reality...it's never, ever going to happen


Personally, I never thought they'd ban smoking in pubs, but they did. We can live in hope

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So all the dog agility, eventing, gymkhanas, kid's sports and gymnastics, we've got to ban them all because someone, somewhere, sometime, might get hurt? Look at all the footballers, rugby players, skiers who get injured, maimed or die every year. You tell me they go out there fully cogniscent of the dangers or think they might die? You think the kid who died playing football today thought it might kill him? But you want to ban it all?


You can't wrap everyone up in cotton wool just because you're over sensitive.


Humans can consent. Animals can't. If there are humans participating in sports in the UK today who don't understand any of the inherent risks, then they shouldn't be involved in the sport.


I'll be up at silly o clock tomorrow morning to watch the grand prix; all 24 men involved there will be fully aware of the risks they are exposing themselves to. Animals just can't know that, obviously. There are plenty of other spectator sports/events. We don't need to exploit animals for our entertainment

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You don't understand an animal's flight or fight response then? That'll be the ears pricked up when the adrenaline surges


On the contrary; a racehorse's ears are pricked up when it is enjoying itself.


When their flight-or-fight response kicks in, say when a dog leaps up or they hear a loud bang during a race, their immediate reaction is to toss the jockey out of the side door and bolt. And when they are not enjoying themselves, their ears go flat; that's when they end up refusing to go any further.

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the reason the horse will continue to run when the jockey falls off is because they are heard and 'flight' animals.


their natural instinct is to follow the heard, anyone who thinks this isnt true please look at videos of wild horse running together.


all this 'oh they must love it' as they keep going is a load of rubbish they are following their natural instincts to keep with the other horses


can you imagine if several jockeys died each year, do you think the race would still go ahead?? no i think not!!

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You don't understand an animal's flight or fight response then? That'll be the ears pricked up when the adrenaline surges


Ever been to a racecourse?


Guessing not, because if you had, you'd realise the noisest, loudest, most panic inducing part of the course is the final straight. A part of the course which lots of horses ran straight towards today, some of them twice.


The only animal I saw which looked even slightly stressed was the winning horse when being led into the winners enclosure when lots of people started running and shouting towards it. Once it recognised them (and was given a bit more space) though it calmed down quickly.

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Italian footballer Piermario Morosini died today of an heart attack on the pitch in Italy, a great athlete apparently. Very sad news that is being over shaddowed by the deaths of two horses, i repeat, HORSES!!!

As for the consent argument, no one really makes the horses hooves go one infront of the other at the start of any race, other than the horses themselves...they can be stubborn animals as todays race has seen.




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