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To aid the country, mothers stay home.

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As I said in my first post, if you said a parent should stay at home to raise the child instead of the mother staying at home, I think that then it would be interesting to see where the debate went.


Then imagine I did. Or give us a reason why that would be better.

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Staying at home to look after children suits some mums just fine, and I'm happy for them to do that if they wish. I also think it's great for ALL mums to stay at home to look after their babies until they are old enough to hand over to a child-minder or nursery, ensuring that they are breast-fed for long enough to benefit from the antibodies contained in their milk. Great for the babies too. However, for Mums with certain mentally demanding jobs, I think it essential for their well-being and mental health to get back to work after that, even if it's only part-time. Part of them will die if they don't.


The alternative is to have a system like those found in the primitive theocratically run (ruined) countries, where women are simply breeding machines, and get no education because they don't need a questioning brain to fulfil the misogynistic hell that awaits them.


That's the natural order of things, in my view.

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