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Cameron, Pathetic.

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Or Thatcher taking tea with Pinochet? The screams of the children tortured on his orders didn't bother that rancid old witch, and Cameron's similarly untroubled by hob nobbing with despots.


David Cameron was accused of rolling out the red carpet for Bahrain’s torturer-in-chief last night after holding talks with the head of the hardline Arab regime.

Human rights campaigners condemned the Prime Minister’s decision to invite Bahrain’s crown prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa to Downing Street at a time when his regime is engaged in a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protesters



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1388956/Cameron-blasted-welcoming-torturer-Bahrain-Number-10.html#ixzz1s2OaAunQ

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Can he disgrace us any more, or become more pathetic.


He is now trying to bask in this glorious lady's light.

She must be laughing at him.


The things she has done, and the punishment she has taken, for her country would never have entered his empty head.


He is a disgrace, worse than Blair, and Thatcher, put together in the way he has humiliated us.




Even by your dismal standards this is a lamentable anti Cameron rant.


Blair/Brown sucked up to some vile dictators, started illegal wars and put the country in hoc to human rights abusing countries. Then they invited all the people they had displaced to come and live here.


Britain is one of the few countries that could coax Burma back to democracy and economic growth. Notice how many people there speak English? In return we could get first dibs at their contracts for redevelopment paid for with their oil. We need all the friends we can get in that part of the world because that's where the economic growth is going to be for the next 20 years. In the meantime you and Mecky just sit back and wish for the steel industry to come back while we get on with the 21st century.

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Disasterous Dave = Nasty piece of work ... or rather just a nasty piece. And to think people support him, well, that just about sums them up.


Well he isn't any worse then Blair, Brown and Clegg. Just in the wrong party thats all.

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Cameron's flogging WEAPONS. He's already been flogging our great exports of murder and political repression Around Indonesia. He's absolutely NO scruples. A few more superficial changes in Burma and the weapons embargo will also be lifted. Cameron has done more to corrode democracy in this country over the past 2 years than anyone else,in my living memory, and he doesn't really have a mandate to govern. Yet has the gall to patronize someone who has fought courageously against undemocratic oppressive governments for decades. Philip Hammond is representing Conservatism in Uzbekistan negotiating arms deals. This is where they forcibly sterilise women. The tories go crawling to any vile tyrant and beg for their cash.

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It's like choosing a method of suicide. It all ends the same it's a just a question of which one is the least painful.

I've just listened to a podcast of Desert Island Discs where John Prescott was the guest.

It was very interesting and I think he was probably one of the last old style Labour politicians.

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